

    25 February 2021, Volume 43 Issue 1
    Set up The Correct Ideas of Science and Technology Development and Realize the Self-Reliance and Independent Development of Science and Technology
    ZHANG Zhiqiang
    2021, 43(1):  1-7.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.01.009
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    In the next five and fifteen years, the strategy for the development of science and technology in China has been made clear,that is, to adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall modernization of our country and take self-reliance and independent development of science and technology as the strategic support for national development. Adhering to the new strategy of science and technology development in an all-round way and vigorously promoting the scientific and technological innovation productivity of economic and social development are the fundamental measures to calmly cope with the great changes in the world in a century. To build a powerful country in science and technology and realize self-reliance and independent development in science and technology, we need to establish and adhere to the correct concept of scientific and technological development in a dialectical and unified way of thinking, that is, opening-up development, competitive development, system development and security development of science and technology, in order to promote the long-term stability and sustainable development of scientific and technological progress. To meet and adapt to the new science and technology and industrial revolution, we must establish a modern science and technology governance system and governance capacity, including the development of science and technology and innovation policy system to adapt to the new trend and law of the new round of science and technology and industrial revolution.
    Progress and Challenges of Gene Editing
    CHEN Yunwei TAO Cheng ZHOU Haichen ZHANG Zhiqiang
    2021, 43(1):  8-23.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.01.002
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    Gene editing refers to the technology that modifies genes to obtain new features or functions. The third-generation CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system and related technologies that began in 2012 are currently the most researched. Other gene editing systems that have emerged in recent years include Base Editors, Prime Editors, RNA editing, etc. Gene editing has thrived in recent years, which lead to continuous improvement. The gene editing system has been carried out in applied research of disease treatments, crop breeding, industrial microbial design, viral nucleic acid detection, etc. It shows promising prospects, especially for cancer treatment, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and genetic diseases. The United States is the country with the largest output of gene editing papers in the world and is at the center of the cooperation network. China (ranking second) and the United States have the closest cooperation. Of the top 10 institutions with the most papers, six are from the United States. Harvard University ranks first globally, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences ranks second in the world. Despite the rapid development of gene editing research and application, gene editing technology still faces controversies and challenges such as off-target, ethical, and safety issues. This article finally puts forward four suggestions for the development of gene editing in China: First, strengthen planning and guidance, and attach great importance to enhancing fundamental theories and methods of gene editing; Second, strengthen supervision and guide the application of gene editing; Third, strengthen the study of ethical norms and improve gene editing supervision's legal and policy system; Fourth, support the research and development of crop gene editing products. 
    Analysis on the Development Strategies and Trends of DNA Storage Technology
    SONG Qi DING Chenjun WU Xiaoyan CHEN Fang
    2021, 43(1):  24-42.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.12.022
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    With the rapid development of information technology and digital technology, such as the Internet and artificial intelligence (AI), the amount of information is growing exponentially, and the development of traditional silicon-based storage devices will face bottlenecks. DNA storage can become an effective tool for data storage since it has the advantages of high data storage density, good stability, low energy efficiency, long storage time and easy backup. In this paper, the development history and current situation of DNA storage technology are summarized, and the major countries and regions that have policy plans and measures in the field of DNA storage technology are sorted out. Meanwhile, the international research and development situation in the field of DNA storage technology is studied by adopting bibliometric methods. The results show that the number of papers published and patent applications for DNA storage technology continues to increase. In terms of countries and regions, the United States, Europe and China have paid attention to it and made corresponding layouts. The United States has an absolute advantage in research papers and patens development on DNA storage technology, while China is relatively active in this field. In addition, the development status, existing problems and challenges in this field are summarized and prospected, and some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the development of related technologies in China.
    Analysis of the Development Trend of International Innovation in Artificial Meat
    LI Dongqiao XIE Hualing YANG Yanping WANG Wenyue ZHANG Hui
    2021, 43(1):  43-53.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.10.004
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    With the continuous increase of global demand for meat, the excessive environmental burden caused by livestock raising, increasingly prominent problems of meat food safety and animal welfare, the development of artificial meat has been highly valued by countries all over the world. From the perspective of papers and patents, the development trend, main countries, main institutions, research hotspots, important patents and industrial development status in the field of artificial meat are analyzed. The results show that the scale of scientific research output has been continuously expanding in recent years. The numbers of research papers published in the United States, the Netherlands and Germany are relatively large, and the numbers of patent applications in the United States and China rank in the first echelon. Wageningen University and Research Center in the Netherlands rank the first in terms of the number of published research papers. Impossible Foods rank the first in terms of the number of patent applications. The research hotspots in the field of artificial meat mainly include the source of raw materials, processing equipment, auxiliary materials and physicochemical properties. The number of important patents of the United States rank the first in the world. These research results could provide significant references for China to make overall arrangements of the R&D initiatives and relevant policy making.
    Analysis on Progress of DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative and Its Inspiration
    WANG Li YU Jieping LIU Xiwen
    2021, 43(1):  54-63.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.12.023
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    In this paper, in-depth analyses of Electronics Resurgence Initiative (ERI), launched by DARPA in 2017, are conducted in terms of its background, three primary research thrusts, projects deployment and progress, and organization model. Further more, characteristics of its projects development and adjustment of its R&D focuses are analysed and compared respectively. Then, innovations of its organization model are presented, which consist of challenge-based public-private collaborative partnership, and the role of boosting technology transformation. Finally, some suggestions are putted forward to further strengthen the R&D strategic plans and its innovation implementation in semiconductor industry in China: clarify the top-level strategic plan in semiconductor industry, analyse the existing technology challenges, integrate the existing R&D foundation, and promote the iterative development of technology; create an open and shared military-civilian integration environment, play the bridge role of dual-use technology and form a closer collaborative model; improve the organization and management mode of technological innovation, maximize enabling combination of research and talents, and promote technology portfolio and application.
    Study on the Ecosystem and Characteristics of EU Open Science Strategy
    ZHANG Juan
    2021, 43(1):  64-76.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.12.001
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    Open science has emerged along with the trend of globalization and advent of big data. Open Science represents a new paradigm to the scientific process based on cooperative work and new ways of diffusing knowledge by using digital technologies and new collaborative tools, exerting profound impact on the entire research cycle. The way of research cooperation, knowledge sharing, research evaluation and organization mode of research has also changed. Taking a long-term perspective, EU acted as a pioneer in developing a pan-European open science strategy, constructing a comprehensive, coherent, interactive and collaborative ecosystem for open science. The article discusses the overall layout and the corresponding ecosystem development of EU's open science strategy, especially focusing on a few representative projects led by European Open Science Cloud, and then analyzes the characteristics of this strategy. The EU's open science strategy attaches great importance to top-down design and coordination as a whole, and expands the efforts to every aspects of open science by carrying out the pilot projects. It adopts a multi-stakeholder-governed approach, and takes the public consultation and expert advice seriously.
    Analysis of European and US Quantum Science and Technology Policy and the Related Scientists Behind It
    YE Zhenzhen FAN Qiong TANG Shukun
    2021, 43(1):  77-88.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.12.007
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    Quantum technology is a frontier field that has a strong industrial vision and is related to the development of national strategies. Increasing countries or regions have included the development of quantum technology in their national key strategies. Understanding the relevant policy formulation and scientist information of the quantum technology development power can give a glimpse of some of the characteristics of quantum powers in policy formulation, and can also provide a reference for predicting the next step of policy formulation. This article combs the development track of quantum policies in the EU and the United States, focusing on the latest major strategic deployments and related scientists who influence policy formulation. By comparing with our own situation, this paper proposes several suggestions for the formulation of our country’s quantum technology policy: speed up the top-level design of the national strategy, promote the development of the quantum industry through national projects, build an echelon of quantum technology talents and so on.
    The Cultivation and Incubation Characteristics of Biotechnology Enterprises in Developed Countries and Its Enlightenment to China
    LI Jitao LIU Ru MENG Yu LIU Xuesong
    2021, 43(1):  89-99.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.01.011
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    At present, the whole world is strengthening the strategic layout of the bio-industry to occupy a more favorable position in the new competition of bio-economic. To ensure that China's bio-industry can seize the opportunities, enhance international competitive advantages and get more bio-industrial dividends, here we focus on the research and analysis of the development characteristics of biotechnology enterprises, and analyzes the biotechnology enterprises cultivation and incubation situation of domestic and foreign. The results show that there is still a big gap in the bio-technology enterprises cultivation and incubation work of our country compared with developed countries, in particular aspects such as incubation model, mechanism system, entrepreneurial ecology, etc. Besides, our country has implemented a series of domestic innovation and entrepreneurship policies to make a good entrepreneurial environment and social atmosphere. Now, biotechnology enterprises in our country are facing important development opportunities. The article suggests that we should learn from the advanced incubation experience of foreign countries, especially in the innovation of incubation policy, the establishment of service system, the accumulation of entrepreneurial resources and other aspects to make contributions to the promotion of incubation of biotech enterprises in our country.
    Development Tendency and Policy Implications of Photonic Technologies and Photonics Industries in South Korea
    YE Jing
    2021, 43(1):  100-110.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.12.006
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    In recent years, South Korea's photonic technology has developed rapidly, with world-class LED manufacturing technology and information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure. Meanwhile, due to the fusion of photonics industry market, the photonics industry of South Korea, as a high value-added core industry that improves the quality and functionality of pillar industries, has experienced new growth opportunities. Therefore, South Korea provides strong support in all aspects by formulating photonic technology and optical industry development roadmaps and policies. Based on the experience of South Korea in focusing on the development of photonics technologies and new markets, and the promulgation of the Industrial Promotion Law to provide legal protection, this study suggests that more attention should be paid to the medium and long-term planning and strategy formulation of photonic technology, the industrial development of technology integration applications, the infrastructure construction, and the localization of core technologies applications.
    Analysis of Moonshot Research and Development Program in Japan
    ZHU Xiangli WANG Su DONG Yu
    2021, 43(1):  111-118.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.12.008
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    Due to the sense of crisis in international R & D Investment, especially the high concern of the U.S., Europe and China, Japan launched a new program called “Moonshot” Research and Development Program in early 2019. The program has ambitious goals, and it may have a huge impact on the future industry and society and change the future social system. This article focuses on the background, the main research tasks and objectives, the promotion system, the implementation and evaluation of R&D projects and fund management of the program, and summarizes the four important characteristics of the program : (1) From the point of view of solving the problems that may appear in Japan and other countries in the future, it puts forward R&D goals for 2050; (2) the content of program emphasizes the challenge, breakthrough and application transformation of the results; (3) the project manager system is implemented, endowing the project manager with full autonomy; and (4) the project is implemented with a strict and standardized evaluation system. Finally, this article puts forward the following suggestions: At the macro-level, China may advance the deployment of a number of problem-solving, medium- and long-term science and technology projects. At the micro level, project manager system could be tested and applied in the management of S&T programs; and independent evaluation by third parties could be adopted in the process management of the program to avoid the formation of a community of interests between the sponsors and the executives, and to better promote the implementation of programs and the application of research achievements.