

    25 December 2020, Volume 42 Issue 6
    International Competitionin Field of LEO Satellites Communication Networks: Dynamics, Motivations and Strategies
    WU Qilong LONG Kun ZHU Qichao
    2020, 42(6):  587-597.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.12.004
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    LEO satellite communication network includes two kinds of architectures, namely “Star-Ground based network” and “Star-Space based network”. Compared with the ground communication, it has advantages of wide coverage, low cost and fast deployment, while compared with the traditional high earth orbit satellite communication, it has unique features in the overall layout, transmission mode, coverage characteristics and topology structure. And it has great potential in global communications and Internet access, 5G, the IoT, and aerospace industry, as well as the application of military capabilities in space. Not only is it become the arena of commercial space technology, but also become the new area of space and military strategic competition of some major powers, which has triggered the active engagement of more space countries and enterprises. The competition among space countries in the field of LEO satellite communication network is fierce, showing the dynamics of “the United States dominating and other space countries accelerating to follow”. The deeper motivation behind it is to seize the orbit-frequency resources, compete for the first-mover advantage and prepare for national security. To participate in the fierce international competition of LEO satellite communication network , China can make peaceful development and use of LEO space and strive to provide first-class Chinese products and services from four aspects, namely, the distribution of medium and low earth orbit and the frequency resources, the development of low-cost space technology, the optimization of commercial space development model and the strengthening of multi-party cooperation in the international community.
    Analysis of Layout of U.S. Defense Pre-research in Field of Data Intelligence
    LIU Lingqi QIN Hao ZHAO Jinxu GUO Jieyu
    2020, 42(6):  598-607.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.12.005
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    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency occupies a leading position in creatively cultivating artificial intelligence technology. The development of data intelligence promotes the change of operational theory and the intellectualization of equipment, which brings opportunities and challenges to national security governance. This paper discusses the conceptual relationship among data intelligence, data science, artificial intelligence and related strategic planning, analyzes ten typical national defense pre-research projects in data intelligence, and summarizes the development characteristics and trends of defense pre-research from the perspectives of enabling technology, knowledge reasoning, adaptive algorithm and man-machine symbiosis. In the new era of transformation and upgrading of national defense industry, China should focus on solving the bottleneck problems of basic research in data intelligence and strive to be at the forefront of theory studies, accelerate the research of common technology in data intelligence to ensure complete autonomy and controllability, and design the application scenarios of data intelligence achievements and create new national defense capabilities.
    Progress and Trends of Basic Research and Frontier Research in 2019
    LIU Xiaoping LV Fengxian
    2020, 42(6):  608-622.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.10.002
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    Basic research and frontier research is of great strategic significance, and has attracted the attention of major countries in the world, such as the United States and European countries. In terms of mathematics and its interdisciplinary subjects, physics and its interdisciplinary subjects, chemistry and its interdisciplinary subjects, nanotechnology, major countries in the world have deployed strategies and planned to carry out top-level design for the development of basic and frontier fields. The analysis of the important progress in 2019 shows that the development of cross fields in basic and frontier research is mainly manifested in the following aspects: major breakthroughs in mathematical research include the proof of Riemann hypothesis, the failure conditions of Euler equation, the algorithm of maximum digital multiplication, etc. In the study of standard model, important progress has been made in antimatter wave particle duality, charge parity symmetry breaking, five quark state, neutrino mass, etc. In the process of exploring black holes, multi-national joint observation has increased the ability of human beings to understand the universe. In 2019, human beings first drew pictures of black holes; multi-national scientists jointly found the largest mass stellar black holes. In the field of topological state, scientists found three-dimensional quantum Hall effect in bulk materials for the first time; a large number of materials with topological structure were screened out in natural materials, which changed the research paradigm of topological quantum materials. In the field of chemical synthesis, important progress has been made in the chemical synthesis of structure prediction and specific functions. In the field of nanotechnology, major breakthroughs have been made in nano medicine, carbon nanotube chips, nano robots and nano devices. The development of the cross cutting areas of the basic and frontier research shows the characteristics of deepening to the micro scale, expanding to the macro scale, being green, and convergence.
    Comparison Analysis and Implications on Cooperative Network Construction of Manufacturing between U.S. and U.K.
    WAN Yong HUANG Jian
    2020, 42(6):  623-632.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.08.002
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    Global manufacturing is experiencing a critical period of industrial transformation and structural adjustment. On one hand, the reindustrialization of developed countries is not simply the reshoring of traditional manufacture industry, but rather the promotion of higher-level emerging industries with more advanced technology and higher added value. On the other hand, the production and organization mode of manufacturing have changed thoroughly, influenced and promoted by IT, internet and advanced materials. Many countries and regions have launched programs designed to inspire innovation and improvement of manufacture industry, such as the establishment of Institute of Manufacturing Innovation in the United States and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult in the United Kingdom. In this paper, the construction, operational management and funding source between the two kind of organizations are analyzed, and preliminary suggestions for the construction of China’s manufacturing network are put forward.
    A Review of International View points on China’s Food Security
    XIE Hualing YANG Yanping
    2020, 42(6):  633-645.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.06.008
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    Based on the bibliometrics, the study analyzes the research hotspots of global food security and research topics involving keywords related to "China" in depth; at the same time, it summarizes main viewpoints from the international community, existing problems and challenges, as well as corresponding countermeasures and recommendations of food security in China through a full analysis and review on the reports issued by important international organizations, research institutions, think tanks, multinational agricultural enterprises, and authoritative scholars. The study discovers that: The research hotspots of global food security mainly include climate change, sustainable development, nutrition and health; climate change is the most important research topic with the largest amount of relevant literatures. China's food security is highly concerned by the international community. Regarding questions like whether China's food is secure or whether it potentially poses a threat to the world's food security, the international community currently holds a relatively positive view, shifting from the previous negative one. Although China has achieved the security of food in terms of quantity, there are still weaknesses and shortcomings in terms of its nutrition security and environmental sustainability. In the future, China should strengthen the planning and layout in relevant areas to achieve all-round food security as soon as possible. Relevant findings in this study are of great significance and enlightenment to the comprehensive and profound understanding of the current and potential food security problems in China from different perspectives, and can also greatly help respond to the problems and challenges faced by China's food security in a more active and scientific manner.
    Research on Digital Economy Legislation of Central and Eastern European Countries & Analysis of Opportunities of Co-operation with China
    XIAO Bing RAO Yuan LIU Haibo
    2020, 42(6):  646-654.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.08.001
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    Facing the opportunities of the development of the digital economy in the Central and Eastern Europe region, a systematic analysis of the legislation of representative countries in the field of digital economy will help to form accurate cooperation programs and targeted cooperation strategies. It is found that the legislative activities of Central and Eastern European countries in the field of digital economy show the characteristics of coexistence of "passive legislation" and "active legislation". At present, information security, digital public service and e-government constitute the main contents of legislation in the field of digital economy. And then, the implementation of EU directives in the field of digital economy, the strengthening of digital currency supervision and the system construction in the field of digital health care are becoming the main trend of digital economy legislation in Central and Eastern European countries. Therefore, for the Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries, it is suggested that the government should reasonably avoid legal risks in data protection, strengthen technical and economic cooperation in digital currency supervision and the application of digital technology to cope with social aging.
    Research on Research Data Open Sharing of EU in Open Science Environment
    JIANG Enbo LI Na
    2020, 42(6):  655-666.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.06.012
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    Open access of research data is an important feature of open science, and an important measure for EU to strengthen integration and promote balanced development of Member States. It can release the energy of EU massive data, promote the construction of "European research area", improve research efficiency, and help reduce the negative impact of European debt crisis and Brexit. This paper introduces the efforts made by the EU in the following four aspects: jointly formulating international standards for open access of research data, participating in the establishment of Research Data Alliance (RDA), publishing research data management policies, and actively promoting research data construction projects. By promoting the open access of research data, the EU is once again at the forefront of the open science movement. A series of policies and achievements by EU to promote open access and research data will have a great impact on Open Science in Europe and even in the world, and will also provide fresh reference for China's research data sharing and research data center construction. In addition, based on this, this paper introduces the policies and measures of research data management and open sharing in China, points out the problems existing in the formulation of policy system, the quantity and quality of data release and the construction of open scientific environment, and gives corresponding opinions and suggestions.
    Review and Prospect of Research on the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Plans
    2020, 42(6):  667-676.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.06.004
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    Continuously enriching the scientific and technological plan evaluation theory system and optimizing the scientific and technical plan evaluation practice activities are of great significance for improving the technological innovation governance system. This article makes a comprehensive review of the current government evaluation theory, "market failure" theory, fourth-generation evaluation theory, system theory, and "fact-value" related combination theory commonly used in the international evaluation community, and proposes two future situations of science and technology plan evaluation theories: First, the outbreak of a new round of scientific and technological revolution will lead to the diversification and compounding of evaluation theory research; and second, more attention are to be paid to the unity of instrumental rationality and value rationality in the research and application of evaluation theory. On these basis, it is suggested that China needs to develop a science and technology plan evaluation theory with Chinese characteristics. The theory should have the following characteristics: First, it is suitable for the characteristics of China’s scientific and technological innovation governance; Second, the relationship between efficiency and fairness and justice should be properly handled; Third, it pays attention to the unity of facts and values; Fourth, it can broadly enrich the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.
    Experience of Israel’s Civil-military Inosculation and Its Enlightenment to China
    YU Yan WANG Chunming Zhang Lijia ZHU Lin OUYANG Zhinan DAI Liwei
    2020, 42(6):  677-687.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.08.003
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    With the strategy of "leading the military with the civilian population", Israel has become a military power in a short period of time. Its experiences are important reference and have enlightening significance for China to promote the integration of military and civilian. Therefore, the development of Israel's civil-military inosculation is investigated, using literature research and expert consultation methods, from perspectives such as the construction of civil-military inosculation mechanism and system, the development of civil-military dual-use key technologies in key areas, the gathering of scientific and technological innovation resources of civil-military inosculation, the promotion of the transformation of civil-military inosculation scientific and technological achievements and the promotion of deep integration in key areas. Israel’s highly developed civil-military inosculation development system and the depth and breadth of its service to Israel’s national economic development are analyzed. On this basis, proposals for the integration of military and civilian in China to promote the development of science and technology are provided, including conducting government-led exploration of reform and restructuring of military industrial enterprises, strengthening and perfecting the mechanism for talent attraction and introduction, bridging and accelerating the international transformation and application of the achievements of military-civilian integration of science and technology, and promoting the deep integration of key industries based on demand.