

    25 August 2024, Volume 46 Issue 4
    Preface to the Special Issue Artificial Intelligence
    HONG Xuehai
    2024, 46(4):  439-441. 
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    Strategic Layout and Future Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in Global Perspective
    QI Shuo LI Shixin YANG Yimeng
    2024, 46(4):  442-455.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2024.07.010
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    With the rapid development of information technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a crucial force driving a new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Major countries and regions worldwide have begun making and implementing AI strategies to take the lead in this burgeoning field. The United States government is comprehensively deploying to promote the development of AI to maintain its global leadership; the European Union emphasizes ethical standards, data privacy protection, and AI regulation; the government leads China’s AI strategy, and it is rapidly advancing the technology application and industrial integration, and the rest of the world has also introduced a series of development plans to support AI based on their own national conditions. This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of AI strategic layouts of the world’s major economies from a global perspective and to forecast future strategic deployments of AI. By examining the AI strategies of these leading economies and integrating the latest AI advancements, this paper seeks to provide valuable reference and inspiration for policymakers in the AI field.
    International Comparison and Inspiration of Artificial Intelligence Regulatory Policies and Measures
    WANG Kaile CHEN Yunwei XIONG Yonglan
    2024, 46(4):  456-468.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2024.07.007
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    With the rapid development of technology, artificial intelligence is becoming an important gripper for industrial innovation and a driving force for new quality productivity. However, technological progress also brings challenges, such as ethical and security issues. The security and controllability of artificial intelligence technology are important components of technological security, effective governance and regulation of artificial intelligence have become a global consensus, and the European Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom have taken the lead in artificial intelligence regulation internationally. This article systematically reviews the development of artificial intelligence regulatory measures in three regions from a policy perspective and compares their distinctive practices in regulatory agency settings, scope, and paths. Research has found that the European Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom have their own unique regulatory models, but there are also regulatory commonalities and common trends. Based on this, countermeasures and suggestions for artificial intelligence regulation are proposed for China to provide a decision-making reference for formulating artificial intelligence regulatory strategies.
    Thematic Analysis and Evolution Process of U.S. Defense Artificial Intelligence Strategy
    ZHAO Chengcheng
    2024, 46(4):  469-482.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.11.003
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    In the face of a series of AI strategic initiatives initiated by the US Department of Defense, identifying the themes and evolutionary characteristics of the US defense AI strategy based on the perspective of text mining can provide a more objective understanding of the substantive intent of the US defense AI strategy and provide a reference for China’s defense AI strategic planning. Firstly, the theme of US defense AI strategy (2018-2022) through high-frequency by unstructured Text mining tools. Secondly, the evolution characteristics of the US defense AI strategy were observed, by drawing a cooccurrence network graph of the theme words in the US defense artificial intelligence strategy text. Finally, suggestions are proposed for Chinese national defense AI strategic planning based on this. The development of artificial intelligence strategy by the US Department of Defense can be divided into five major themes: strategic entities, technological innovation, ethical security, strategic resources, and diversified cooperation. In the evolution process, the US national defense AI system was built by JAIC as the core sector with multiple departments, from terms of strategic entities. In terms of technological innovation, it has evolved from self-built artificial intelligence combat systems to establishing an integrated land, sea and air command and control network. Regarding strategic resources, data is a key asset, talent is a key element, and funding is a key assistance. In terms of ethical security, behind the transition from “AI ethical standards” to “responsible AI” is the transition from “reflecting democratic values” to “clearing public opinion barriers for US military hegemony”. In terms of diversified cooperation, domestically, the public and private sectors built the AI technology ecosystem in the United States. Externally, the global RAI ecosystem was built by the US and allied partner countries.
    Characteristics of AI Empowering Scientific Research and Study on Trends in Policy and Management
    YANG Guang LI Xiaoxuan XIAO Xiaoxi
    2024, 46(4):  483-496.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2024.07.008
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    In recent years, AI has impacted the traditional scientific research paradigm and produced dazzling achievements that the existing paradigms could not reach. Promoting the application of AI in scientific research is an important topic in current science and technology management. This paper analyzes the basic characteristics of AI empowerment in scientific research from two dimensions. From the dimension of the research paradigm, it is found that AI improves the efficiency of data utilization, empowering the empirical paradigm; AI enhances the construction of theoretical models, empowering the theoretical paradigm; AI better fits the parameters of complex systems, empowering the simulation paradigm; and AI has the capability to process massive data, empowering the data-driven paradigm. From the dimension of the scientific research process, it is discovered that AI empowers every link of scientific research and each link iterates and progresses due to the advancement of AI capabilities. Based on this, the paper further summarizes the international trends in policies and management to promote the development of AI4S, the challenges faced by China in the development of AI4S, and provides insights for our country. China needs to strengthen strategic research and macro-planning related to AI4S, increase policy and financial support, promote international exchange and cooperation in the AI4S field, and provide research support for the orderly development of AI4S in China.
    Research on the Development Trends of Patent Technology Themes in the Field of Medical Artificial Intelligence
    ZHOU Junru LIU Zhiyong
    2024, 46(4):  497-510.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.09.001
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    The text mining of patent texts in the field of medical artificial intelligence (AI) from 1971 to 2022 reveals the content and evolution trend of its technical topics, and analyzes the hot spots and development trends of technology research and development, which is helpful to provide reference and reference for scientific researchers in the context of technological development, and then for future research and application. In this paper, 14184 patent data related to the field of medical artificial intelligence in the Derwent patent database are obtained, and the data is cleaned, and it is divided into three stages (embryonic stage, development stage, and rapid development stage) based on the life cycle theory. Subsequently, the BERTopic topic model was used to identify the subject of patent texts, and the evolution of technical topics was analyzed by calculating the semantic similarity between technical topic pairs and topic filtering. The results showed that a total of 5 embryonic themes, 9 development themes, and 29 rapid development topics were identified, indicating that medical artificial intelligence technology is in the rapid development stage. Foundational technologies such as signal processing and analysis, image processing and computer vision, and data mining emerged during the early and development stages, gradually maturing during the development and rapid development stages, leading to the formation of specialized technological domains. Both demand and technological advancements drove the differentiation of foundational technologies. The convergence of technologies is expected to generate novel advancements. Medical artificial intelligence technology is currently in a rapid stage of development. Finally, it is proposed that the research and innovation of basic and key technologies in the field of medical artificial intelligence should be strengthened in the future, and the technical issues behind the important practical needs in the field of medical artificial intelligence should be continuously paid attention to help technological innovation. Additionally, the significance of technological convergence and development in the field of medical AI should be emphasized, encouraging multidisciplinary teams comprising researchers from various fields, to lay the foundation for promoting deep integration and multidimensional exploration of interdisciplinary technologies at the forefront.
    Research on the Development Status of Artificial Intelligence Based on Standard Essential Patents
    ZHANG Mengshi XIAO Guohua
    2024, 46(4):  511-523.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.10.002
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    Standard Essential Patents (SEP) encompass a wealth of patent and technical information and have significant intelligence value. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the significant frontier fields of technology. Analyzing the international distribution characteristics of SEP in the field of AI can assist in understanding the development status of AI, help identify the development shortcomings of one’s own country, and establish more targeted competitive strategies. This article is based on SEP from the PatSnap database and analyzes the distribution characteristics of standard essential patents in the field of artificial intelligence from three aspects: country, enterprise and technology. The results show that China has become an important innovation centre and technology market in the field of artificial intelligence, and some technical fields have reached the world’s leading level. However, there is still a big gap between the United States. At present, standardization work in the field of artificial intelligence is in the early stages of development, and the relevant standard essential patents are mainly concentrated in the basic layer field related to mobile communication technology. Large multinational communication companies mainly hold standard essential patents in the field of artificial intelligence, and related Internet companies and emerging technology companies have fewer standard essential patents. The paper further puts forward some suggestions: pay close attention to the progress of international standardization work, actively promote the standardization process of artificial intelligence in China; encourage Internet enterprises and emerging technology enterprises to participate in the standardization development; and pay attention to the research and development of the base layer and technology layer.
    Global AI Standardisation Progress and Suggestions for China’s Development
    QIN Minghao XU Huifang
    2024, 46(4):  524-535.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2024.07.009
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    The current state of competition in the field of artificial intelligence is characterised by a high level of intensity. The major global powers have elevated the development of artificial intelligence to the status of national strategy, and numerous countries and international standard organisations have adopted a proactive approach to promoting the standardization strategy of artificial intelligence. This paper further analyses the distribution of the 355 global AI standards in terms of their standard-setting organisations, coverage of standard topics, types of standards, scope of standards, and distribution of standard fields based on the standardisation strategies of the US, the EU, the UK and China in recent years. The study reveals that global AI standardization is developing at a rapid pace, with countries formulating distinctive standardisation strategies in alignment with their respective levels of technological advancement; the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) occupies a pivotal role in this process, while other organisations exert Specific areas are subject to particular influence; at present, standardisation efforts are concentrated on ensuring the safety, stability and data governance norms of technological systems; the majority of AI standards focus on horizontal domains, covering fundamentalissues such as general technology, ethics and safety. In light of the study’s findings, four recommendations are put forth to advance China’s AI standardisation efforts: (1) enhance China’s AI legal framework; (2) reinforce international collaboration and proactively shape international AI standards; (3) establish AI standard organisations; and (4) clarify the AI standardisation landscape in the country, capitalise on its strengths, and address its shortcomings.
    Research on the Governance System for Responsible Artificial Intelligence
    WU Zhongqi CAO Yaling DAI Tao
    2024, 46(4):  536-547.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2024.07.005
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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the central driving force behind the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Responsible AI, which focuses on the safe, reliable, and ethical development and use of AI technologies, is of great significance in promoting the healthy development of AI. This paper defines the concept of responsible AI and constructs an analytical framework for the governance system, characterized by “whole-process—multientity—multi-level—multi-mechanism” dimensions. Based on this framework, it analyzes the policy systems of major countries around the world in advancing responsible AI governance, with a particular focus on the AI policy measures in the United States. It examines and summarizes the key initiatives and specific practices adopted by the US in developing responsible AI. The study shows that developed countries represented by the United States, place high importance on responsible AI, involving coordinated efforts from governments, industry organizations, enterprises, research institutions, the general public and individuals. These stakeholders collaborate in governance, utilizing a multi-layered set of tools, including policies, regulations, ethical guidelines, and standard systems. They aim to establish and improve comprehensive governance mechanisms for decision-making and consultation, overall coordination, information flow and sharing, and monitoring and supervision, ensuring the safety, reliability, and controllability of AI technologies throughout their lifecycle. Finally, the paper proposes recommendations for advancing the construction of a responsible AI governance system in China, including strengthening strategic and policy guidance, improving the regulatory system based on the entire innovation process, enhancing the participation of social groups and the public, and fostering international cooperation.
    Research on Ethical Risks and Responsible Innovation Governance of Generative Artificial Intelligence Technology
    HE Wei
    2024, 46(4):  548-559.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2024.06.001
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    Generative artificial intelligence has made breakthroughs, begun to show intelligent features and has become more creative in recent years. It can not only generate text but also generate audio, video, pictures, code, and so on. The intelligent creative generation capability of generative artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can bring positive effects such as productivity improvement, transformation of production relations, and transformation and upgrading of different industries. On the other hand, it may also bring ethical risks such as data security and privacy leakage, gender and racial discrimination, academic plagiarism, and the dissolution of human subjectivity. The purpose of responsible innovation is to provide “morally acceptable, socially satisfactory, and developmentally sustainable” solutions for major social risks brought by technological innovation and provide an ethical governance path for addressing the risks brought by generative artificial intelligence innovation. Embedding the four dimensions of responsible innovation-expectation, reflection, negotiation, and feedback the iterative upgrading and practical application process of generative artificial intelligence can promote its healthy and sustainable development.
    Analysis of Innovation Governance and Risk Prevention System for Industrial Intelligence Security
    WANG Juanjuan PENG You ZHANG Chunfei
    2024, 46(4):  560-574.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2024.07.006
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    Industrial digital intelligence is a key driver for the development of new quality productive forces. With the deep embedding of artificial intelligence into industrial processes, industrial intelligence security governance has taken reliability, data quality and integrated software and hardware governance as its new focus. At present, the corresponding governance means are after-the-fact relief systems, data security systems, and network security systems, which present a significant maladaptation in industrial intelligence governance and are challenging to meet security needs. Industrial intelligence is a typical manifestation of risk society, and realizing its good governance requires the transformation of the existing system based on the principle of a risk prevention. Industrial intelligence reliability assurance should set up preventive obligations based on the warranty liability for defects system and product liability system and transform the difficulty of identifying defects and deficiencies into the judgment of obligation breaches; the data quality governance should focus on the establishment of a sound “national-local-industry” multi-level standard system in order to realize the compatibility of data quality standards among enterprises; integrated software and hardware governance should be empowered by artificial intelligence to prevent risks and effectively improve the effectiveness of hardware and software risk assessment, monitoring and early warning as well as response. Constructing a security risk governance system that is mutually compatible with prevention and response can strongly escort China’s industrial digital intelligence transformation and new industrialization to a stable and far-reaching future.