

    25 October 2023, Volume 45 Issue 5
    Analysis and Enlightenment of Green New Deal for Carbon Neutrality in Developed Countries Based on Three-dimensional Model
    LI Lanchun CHEN Wei
    2023, 45(5):  531-542.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.12.010
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    To address climate change, major countries/regions are encouraged to launch green New Deals facing carbon neutral long-term vision by 2050. Based on the DIIS think tank research theory, the study constructs a three-dimensional model framework of policy analysis of essential policy tools, industrial development cycle and technological innovation. It quantitatively analyses the policy content of carbon-neutral and green new policies in developed countries/regions. It reveals various countries main characteristics and development trends of carbon-neutral and green actions in. It is found that countries lay particular stress on the use of supply-oriented and environmental policy tools, while demand-oriented policies are lacking, and the tax mechanism, long-term binding force and pulling policy of their green new policy are insufficient. Most policies focus on the stage of technology development and demonstration and large-scale application, while there are few supporting policies for basic research and experiment; Carbon emission reduction technology and digital cross-technological innovation have become the focus of green new approaches in various countries, while there is a big gap in policy support for negative emission technology. It is suggested to continue to strengthen the intensity of green capital investment in the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, make appropriate use of policy tools of supply promotion, environmental support and demand-pull, and increase the application support of renewable energy, electric vehicles and other competitive clean industries. We will promote the orderly development of key future industries in the early stages, such as resource recycling, decarbonization of industrial processes, green hydrogen, zero-carbon ships and aircraft, and strengthen technological innovation in carbon reduction, negative emissions and cross-cutting fields.
    Analysis of the Development Strategies of Safety-oriented Intelligent Manufacturing in Major Countries/Regions of the World
    FENG Ruihua JIANG Shan WAN Yong
    2023, 45(5):  543-554.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.11.004
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    Intelligent manufacturing is a crucial way to achieve safe production in high-risk industries and is an inevitable choice to prevent major accidents. Major countries/regions in the world have listed intelligent manufacturing, digital manufacturing, industrial robots, and artificial intelligence as key technologies for safe production in high-risk manufacturing industries and have issued or formulated relevant intelligent manufacturing development strategies and plans to strengthen the digital, intelligent, and safety of manufacturing industry. The United States has launched national strategies such as intelligent manufacturing and robots to ensure safe production in the manufacturing industry; the European Union has created "human-centered" digital and safe manufacturing; Germany has realized the safe production of smart factories and smart products by Industry 4.0; Japan has achieved Society 5.0 through interconnected industry and unmanned technology; China has issued a series of intelligent strategies to support safe production in the fields of intelligent manufacturing, artificial intelligence, and emergency management. This paper analyzes these strategies and measures to promote production safety and intelligence in China’s manufacturing.
    Comparative Analysis of Research Hotspots in the Field of Deep Learning Based on the Data of Chinese and American Funded Projects
    ZHU Xinru MA Jianling
    2023, 45(5):  555-566.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.12.012
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    Unlike traditional research results, the potential intelligence in data of funded projects is more strategic and forward-looking. This paper used text mining methods to analyze the data of funded projects in the field of deep learning between China and the United States, from the funding intensity, development trend, topic clustering, and evolution, and compare the similarities and differences of research hotspots in the field of deep learning between two countries, hoping to provide a reference for future scientific research layout in China. This study found that the number of fund projects in the field of in-depth learning in China and the United States has increased since 2010, with a good development momentum, and both countries have issued policies to support the development. However, China and the United States focus on different research directions. The United States focuses on the basic theory and algorithm research of deep learning, while China pays more attention to implementing application levels in deep learning. On the application level, the United States spends more attention to biomedical, economic, image recognition and hardware equipment applications. China pays attention to the biomedical field and uses deep learning related algorithms to apply more data in the geoscience and multimedia fields. In the emerging research direction, the research on hardware equipment and the application of deep learning has become a hot topic in the United States in recent years, while the new research focus in China is to apply deep learning to bioinformatics. It was founded that China should increase the investment of research funds to support the innovative development of AI in the future. To give full play to the scientific and technological layout advantages of the application in the field of geosciences, image and computer vision, multimedia, and traditional Chinese medicine, to form a new ecology of achievement transformation; To pay attention to the research of deep learning theory, improve the technical strength and grasp the initiative of science and technology; To make scientific plans in software, hardware and application, to construct the application of deep learning framework as soon as possible; To pay attention to the application of deep learning in the field of biological information, to promote the paradigm shift of biological information research, and release the massive potential of deep learning.
    Review on Research Status and Development of Carbon Dioxide Capture Technology
    TANG Qiang LI Jinhui ZOU Jianwei HU Yuanyuan HUANG He
    2023, 45(5):  567-580.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.07.003
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    In order to cope with global warming and reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, CO2 capture has become a key technology for global research. Based on the research status of CO2 capture technology at home and abroad, this paper divides CO2 capture technology into four technical routes: pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture, oxyfuel combustion and chemical looping combustion. Pre-combustion capture and post-combustion capture technology mainly include absorption method, adsorption method, membrane separation method, low temperature fractionation method and other methods. Firstly, the research status and application progress of different methods of these four technical routes are summarized, and the future development trend of each technical method is proposed. Subsequently, the advantages and disadvantages of different CO2 capture technologies are compared. It is found that each technical method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and no technology can independently meet the requirements of high efficiency, low cost, low energy consumption and large scale. Finally, it is proposed that in the future, we should focus on the problems and challenges of CO2 capture technology, focus on research and development, break through the bottleneck at this stage, and promote the economy, efficiency and scale of CO2 capture.
    Disruptive Technology in Medicine: Current Situation, Problems Analysis and Prospect
    HUANG Xin ZHU Jiankang YIN Junxiang GUO Wei SANG Xiaodong ZHAO Tianyu LU Shan YUAN Tianwei LI Suning
    2023, 45(5):  581-595.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.12.002
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    In recent years, many emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, genome edition, 3D bioprinting, induced pluripotent stem cells, and synthetic biology, have been applied in clinical medicine gradually and brought new methods for diagnosis and treatment. These technologies are replacing or have replaced existing technologies because of their unique advantages. Those disruptive technologies have changed not only the current situation in diagnosis and treatment but also the thinking pattern of modern medicine. Modern medicine is gradually developing in the direction of multi-technology and multi-discipline integration and constantly breeds new disruptive medical technologies. However, these emerging technological advances have also created many problems. This paper reviews the development status of several representative disruptive technologies in modern medicine and analyzes the associated issues.
    International Experience and Enlightenment of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research
    LIU Dejuan SHEN Li
    2023, 45(5):  596-605.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.12.001
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    Cultivating an academic atmosphere favoring interdisciplinary research is conducive to producing scientific breakthroughs, solving major theoretical and practical challenges, or discovering new theories and opening up new fields. From the perspective of scientific management, this paper analyzes the policies and measures of research institutions and research universities in Europe, United States and Japan in promoting interdisciplinary research. The results show that it is important to break the disciplinary barriers, establish a joint appointment system, innovate the appointment evaluation method and provide special funds through innovation of scientific research organization model. The inspiration for the construction of interdisciplinary research is as follows: explore interdisciplinary organizational forms, create a platform for close communication between interdisciplinary personnel, establish an objective evaluation mechanism and appropriate incentives, provide start-up funds and long-term funding for promising high-risk research.
    Operation Mode of UKRI and Its Implications
    2023, 45(5):  606-620.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.11.006
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    After Brexit, to solve the problems and risks faced by technological innovation, the British government put forward the strategic goal of “becoming a global science superpower” and “a global leader in innovation”. As the most significant public funding institution for scientifresearch in the UK after Brexit, UKRI has played an important role in constructing and developing the UK research and innovation system and promoted the implementation of the UK research and innovation strategic objectives by formulating development strategies, coordinating nine subordinate research councils, and increasing investment in science and innovation. UKRI’s mechanisms inspire China to promote scientific and technological innovation under global scientific and technical competition.
    From University Science Park to Innovation Cluster Area: Connotation, Path and Strategy
    ZHAO Huicun Xi Jin’e
    2023, 45(5):  621-632.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.11.008
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    University Science Park extends and strengthens university achievements through transformation, innovation and entrepreneurship, talent training and other functions in specific careers. Relying on universities, governments, enterprises and other resources to promote the construction and development of the university science park innovation cluster area, it is of great significance for effectively promoting the high-quality development of the regional economy and accelerating the realization of high-level science and technology self-reliance. Firstly, it discusses the theoretical basis of the university science park innovation cluster area; Secondly, on the level of theory and practice, it proposes and discusses the development path of the construction of the university science park innovation cluster area, including the development process of “1.0 stage: resource introduction/vision driven; 2.0 stage: resource accumulation/dividend driven; 3.0 stage: layout reconstruction/policy-driven”; Finally, it puts forward the development strategies for the construction of university science park innovation cluster area on the practical level.
    Research on Lead-Lag Pattern of Topic Evolution in the Field of International Synthetic Biology
    LIANG Shuang LIU Xiaoping TAO Zhiyu YANG Julun
    2023, 45(5):  633-646.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.12.011
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    Synthetic biology is known as the frontier technology that subverts the future. Clarifying the strengths and weaknesses of synthetic biology between China and the world’s S&T powerhouses is conducive to adjusting and optimizing the scientific and technological innovation structure, meanwhile helping grasp the key fields of discipline development. We conduct topic mining and identify research hotspots based on paper data in the field of synthetic biology, generating time-series data about the development trend of S&T powerhouses’ research hot topics. Combining the grey correlation degree and Euclidean distance, this paper puts forward the correlation strength measurement index and introduces the basic idea of cross correlation method to analyze the lead-lag relationship and the time lag between China and the world’s S&T powerhouses. The research shows that the trend of research topics among various countries is closely related. A time lag phenomenon is observed that the development of synthetic biology in China is left behind compared with foreign countries. The United States, Britain, and Germany have shown relatively outstanding scientific research strength and are maintaining the leading position. The paper suggests that our country continues to improve the efficiency and quantity of research output. We should intensify our efforts in gene expression regulation and genome engineering and maintain the previous advantages of metabolic engineering research.
    Global Patent Layout of Genetically Modified Insect-resistant Maize and Development Suggestions to China
    JIA Qian ZHENG Huaiguo ZHAO Jingjuan
    2023, 45(5):  647-660.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.11.005
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    Genetically modified (GM) insect-resistant maize has a good prospect of commercial application in China. The patent layout analysis was carried out to clarify the global research and development (R&D) pattern of GM insect-resistant maize technology, understand the technology development trend, and figure out the technical development gap in China to provide data support for rational deploying the technological innovation of GM insect-resistant maize, promoting its industrialization development in an orderly manner and improving the layout and protection of intellectual property rights in China. Based on the patent information, the global R&D pattern of GM insect-resistant maize technology was analyzed from the dimensions of the application year, region distribution and R&D subject by using the bibliometric method. The technical hotspots, development history and future development trends of GM insect-resistant maize technology were clarified through text clustering and technology development route analysis. The results show that the current research and development of global GM insect-resistant maize technology tends to be mature. The United States and China are the leading technology origin countries. The United States has significant advantages in patent scale, global layout and industrialization development. The international seed industry giants have enough patents and a comprehensive geographical structure. Expression vector construction is a key technical branch in the field. Chimeric genes composed of multiple insect-resistant genes and the combination of multi-insect-resistant gene expression cassettes are future development directions. There still exists a gap in the patent application number, global layout and industrialization development level of GM insect-resistant maize in China, with insufficient patent layout in the technical branch of expression vector construction and identification methods. It is suggested that China should emphasize gene expression vector construction technology to optimize the structure of technology research and development, actively cultivate the innovation ability of seed enterprises to strengthen its position as the main body of innovation and enhance the level of intellectual property protection and the strategic awareness of global layout.