

    25 February 2023, Volume 45 Issue 1
    Highlight Original Theoretical and Methodological Innovation to Accelerate the Pace of Scientific and Technological Self-reliance
    CHEN Yunwei
    2023, 45(1):  1-6.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.02.001
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    China wants to accelerate the realization of a high level of scientific and technological self-reliance, the most urgent scientific and technological needs mainly include four major aspects: scientific and technological innovation to promote the manufacturing industry towards high-end, intelligent, environmental protection; promote rural revitalization, the achievement of seed industry autonomy, digital transformation of agriculture, environmental beauty of the countryside industry quality development; continue to optimize the layout of science and technology innovation system; promote a high level of openness to the outside world. However, China's science and technology originality is still in the basic research, key core technology achievements, universities and innovative enterprises, talent gathering, science and technology evaluation and other five aspects of significant deficiencies. There is an urgent need to focus on five major paths to enhance the originality of science and technology: implement a good ten-year plan for basic research, improve the ability to supply originality and breakthroughs in key core technologies, enhance the ability to dominate in international science and technology innovation activities, continue to shape a good science and technology evaluation system conducive to high-level scientific research, and solidify the foundation of talent security.
    The Implementation Path of New Nationwide System in Scientific and Technological Innovations
    ZHANG Yu ZHENG Chonghui JIANG Yanbin
    2023, 45(1):  7-13.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.10.002
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    There has been an increased recognition that more attention needs to be paid to the new nationwide system in scientific and technological innovations. While the nationwide system can be adopted optimally in the past decades, pathways about how to be implemented in the new era still need further exploration. In order to analyze this issue, we compared the methods and cases of how to mobilize innovative resources and breakthrough major national scientific and technological problems at home and abroad. We compared the scientific and technological innovation situation in different historical periods in China from the view of history, theory, and practices. On this basis, we put forward the “bow and arrow mode” for implementing the new nationwide system. This pattern has shown that the new nationwide system in scientific and technological innovations relies on the combinations of the top-down approach to determine larger goals and the bottom-up approach to maintaining the adaptability and the flexibility of each task. On the one hand, by modeling the interlinkages in the overall solution, the top-down approach is designed to focus on the strategic priorities of holistic thinking and planning. On the other hand, the bottom-up approach is applied to distribute the local tasks based on the innovation capabilities of each team to fulfill the larger goals. Therefore, implementing a new nationwide system in scientific and technological innovations can spawn many positive impacts through synthesizing coordination strategies for team tasks.
    Japanese Marine Science and Technology Development Strategic Analysis and Its Implication For China Based on Japan’s Initiatives for UN Decade of Ocean Science
    YU Ying LIU Dahai
    2023, 45(1):  14-25.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.06.007
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    As a “maritime country” and “science and technology country,” marine scientific and technological innovation is an important part of Japan's strategic policy. In 2021, the first year of the implementation of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, Japan immediately published Japan’s Initiatives for the UN Decade of Ocean Science, which introduced the scientific research projects carried out by Japan in recent years and reflected the strategic and development direction of Japan’s marine research. By analyzing Japan’s participation in Ocean Decade and marine scientific research project, this paper elucidates Japanese marine science and technology development direction and the advantages and disadvantages, finally put forward four implications for China: promote policy system and the collaborative development of scientific research and exploration; actively participate in the Ocean Decade and other international large-scale marine scientific research programs to enhance our voice; strengthen the construction of marine standards system, accelerate the internationalization of Chinese standards; strengthen the coordinated development of enterprises, universities and research institutes.
    A Review of Semi-supervised Learning Methods Research
    LI Yongguo XU Caiyin TANG Xuan LI Xiangyan
    2023, 45(1):  26-40.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.07.001
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    Semi-supervised learning exists in various real-world scenarios and can signifucantly impact scientific research in the field of biochemistry. There are also relevant specific applications in various fields, such as virus toxicity prediction, network security detection, application of soft sensors, etc. With the continuous breakthroughs in machine learning, there currently needs to be a complete review of research on semi-supervised learning methods and analyzes the challenges existing in the application process in this field; then, it sorts out and analyzes four methods of semi-supervised learning, including semi-supervised clustering, dimensionality reduction, regression, classification, and more advanced algorithms in these four different ways are written side by side. Then, the typical evaluation indicators of each algorithm (such as precision rate, recall rate, ROC curve, etc.) were introduced, and the effects of various semi-supervised learning algorithms were compared. The study found that semi-supervised learning methods are more accurate than fully supervised learning support vector machines rate, in which the SSC-EKE algorithm leads the traditional support vector machine classic supervised learning algorithm by absolute advantage. Finally, the practical application scenarios of semi-supervised learning are introduced, the future research directions of semi-supervised learning have prospected, and the full text is summarized.
    Research on Fusion Mechanism and Achievement Path of Blockchain Technology and Cross-border E-commerce
    ZHOU Fuli HAI Panpan CHEN Tianfu HE Yandong CHEN Shan
    2023, 45(1):  41-50.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.05.004
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    Under the background of Belt and Road, the cross-border e-commerce industry has become an important part of China's economic growth, driven by the rapid development of information technology and modern logistics. By studying the fusion mechanism, this paper explores the innovative blockchain application in the cross-border e-commerce for industrial development and transformation promotion. Firstly, the technological logic of the integration of blockchain technology and cross-border e-commerce is analyzed from the core technology and distinct advantages of blockchain. The three-dimensional integration framework is developed from the organizational, technical, and functional perspectives. Secondly, the blockchain-driven information platform is constructed to link technical implementation and industrial applications. The multi-layer integration structure integrating blockchain with cross-border e-commerce is designed to portray the transaction process of cross-border e-commerce. Lastly, the application prospects of the deeper integration of blockchain technology and cross-border e-commerce are investigated. Suggestions are put forward from various aspects of e-commerce operation mode, technology implementing development, industry-university-research integration, stimulating R&D and innovation, enhancing relevant laws, and establishing a solid regulatory mechanism, so as to provide guidance on integration achievement of blockchain technology and cross-border e-commerce.
    Development Trend Prediction of Patents Technology Thematic of Cloud Computing between China and the United States
    ZHANG Biao DONG Kun GAO Daobin WU Hong
    2023, 45(1):  51-62.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.05.003
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    Cloud computing is the key supporting industry to win the competition in the era of artificial intelligence, and it is a battleground between China and the United States. It is significant for China to scientifically plan its development strategy and improve its competitive strength to scientifically predict the development trend of various technical topics between the two countries. Taking patents in the field of cloud computing in China and the United States as sample data, this paper uses WI-LDA to fine-grained mine technical topics, then uses Prophet to model and predict its development trend. Finally, create topic trend degree and topic heat index, draw the spatial distribution map, and interpret the development trend of the two countries. The United States started early in the field of cloud computing and has more advantages than China in fault detection and repair, cloud security, hybrid storage control device, and memory management. Although China started late in the field of cloud computing, it is developing rapidly. It makes a broad space for development in the digital computing center, signal transmission system, software simulation, cloud resource encryption, image data recognition and other aspects. The United States has taken the lead in most technical topics. China still needs to build a good cloud computing development environment, adhere to the independent and controllable development direction and cultivate core competitiveness.
    Study on Frontier Development Trendsin Neuroscience: An Analysis Based on Deep Mining of ESI Research Fronts
    XIE Xiufang WANG Qian CHEN Ting HUANG Fang
    2023, 45(1):  63-76.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.05.006
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    A deep mining schema of ESI research fronts was constructed to reveal development trends of frontiers in neuroscience. The research hotspots were identified based on the co-cited network of research fronts, and the key topics were identified through the co-occurrence of subject words among the research fronts. Based on the KeyBERT model, the keywords of titles and abstracts of top papers and citing papers involved in the research fronts were extracted and analyzed the inter-year changes of keyword hotspots to reveal the development trends of research hotspots in this field. The countries of top papers, citing papers and references involved in the research fronts were analyzed to reflect the discipline influence of different countries around the world in the field development. The results showed that neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis were the most widely and deeply researched vital topics in the global neuroscience field, brain-computer interfaces, serum neurofilament light chain protein, and non-invasive brain stimulation tools were emerging research hotspots in recent years, and epidemic-related topics such as the effects of Covid-19 infection on the nervous system, the neurological manifestations of Covid-19 patients and the mental health of frontline medical staff had also become hot topics in the field of neuroscience in the past two years. The coverage and activity of China in the research fronts of neuroscience have increased, and the leadership, contribution, and participation in the research fronts of this field have also increased significantly in recent years. We have certain development advantages in the directions of Covid-19 epidemic-related topics, gut microbiota, targeted therapy, artificial sensory nerves, and have certain development potentials in the directions of Alzheimer’s disease, brain function network, stroke, neuropathic pain, glioma, etc. The results can provide disciplinary intelligence services for developing the neuroscience field in China.
    Trends and Characteristics of DARPA’s Defense Research Budget Activities over the Last 5 Years
    LI Linli LI Jiaoyang TANG Juan YIN Xiangfan ZHANG Jian
    2023, 45(1):  77-86.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.11.009
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    Based on the FY 2019-2023 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) budget request documents issued by DARPA, this paper provides a statistical and visual presentation of the agency’s overall budget and trends in investment by phase of research activities over the last 5 years. Further, it explores the changes in programs and the characteristics of these defense research activities. It concludes that DARPA’s budget funding over the past 5 years has focused on emerging areas such as microelectronics, hypersonic, and artificial intelligence, with the hope that technological breakthroughs in these areas will modernize and build high-end military capabilities for the U.S. military. In addition to the disruptive technology research and development, DARPA also focuses on the seamless integration of the knowledge chain, innovation chain, and industry chain in emerging technology fields, strengthening the integration with industry and the Services and realizing the rapid transition of research results to the Services to enhance significantly the future combat capabilities of the U.S. military.
    Comparison and Understanding of the Overall Allocation of Innovation Resources between China and the United States Based on Analysis of the Main Viewpoints of American Think Tanks
    GUO Rong ZHANG Junfang ZHOU Daishu ZHANG Mingxi NIU Qin GAO Yi
    2023, 45(1):  87-95.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.06.004
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    Recently, through a horizontal comparison of China’s scientific and technological progress, American think tanks believe that the overall trend of American scientific and technological innovation is weakening and put forward corresponding suggestions. This paper proposes that, unlike the past practice of tracking specific areas of science and technology or individual policies in China, American think tanks have paid more and more attention to comparing the allocation of innovation resources between China and the United States in recent years, to design institutionalized strategies for China’s advantages. From the perspective of the US side’s actual policy trends and think tanks’ main viewpoints, coping with the “model” with the “model” is becoming an important trend in the Sino-US scientific and technological innovation game. This paper objectively analyzes the main viewpoints of American think tanks and the progress and gap in China’s overall allocation of innovation resources, and suggests that China should continue to strengthen its national strategic scientific and technological forces and continue to optimize China’s scientific and technological innovation mechanism; Adjust R & D investment policies, and cultivate world-class science and technology enterprises; Optimize the operation mechanism of state-owned venture capital funds; We will deepen the cooperative governance of the innovation chain, and jointly build a safe and orderly international digital space community.
    The Risk Analysis and Countermeasures of the Proposals Related to Intellectual Property of the United States Congressin 2021
    ZHU Xuezhong LIU Rui DAI Zhizai
    2023, 45(1):  96-109.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.05.002
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     As a monopoly right highly related to technology and economy, intellectual property (IP) has gradually become an important means for the United States (US) to transfer internal structural contradictions and curb China's technological innovation and economic development. Analyzing the IP-related proposals of the US Congress will help to understand the direction of IP policy in the US, analyze potential risks to China, formulate countermeasures in advance, and minimize the possibility of losses caused by risks. This paper analyzes the contents of 30 proposals related to IP issues proposed by the US Congress in 2021, finding they will bring risks to China, such as international public opinion orientation, marginalization of influence, technology blockade, and obstruction of free commerce and trade. In this regard, first, China needs to recognize the inevitability behind the US’s strict policy toward China and conduct regular, timely, systematic, and comprehensive risk monitoring on IP-related proposals of the US Congress. Second, China should continue to promote multilateral cooperation with foreign countries and use scholarly communication and international organizations as the front to build China's external discourse system. Finally, China needs to establish a red-line management awareness and regard self-development as the a priority.
    Comparative Analysis of the Industrial Structure of Major Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Clusters
    LI Hong DAI Wei
    2023, 45(1):  110-119.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.06.005
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    This study explores the development process, essential characteristics and function of science and technology innovation cluster area, First of all, the overall understanding of the concept, development process and characteristics of scientific and technological innovation cluster area; According to the agglomeration situation of the world's top technological innovation enterprises as the starting point, Find out the common characteristics of the science and technology innovation cluster area, To sort out the industrial types and industrial structure, Promoted the understanding of the research and development intensity and distribution status of high-tech industry, In view of the current distribution of global science and technology innovation clusters, We conduct a quantitative analysis of the six elements of R & d investment intensity, enterprise agglomeration degree and scale effect, technology innovation return strength, potential enterprises, governance support, and regional circulation degree, For a trade-off comparison, And make a comprehensive comparison, Explain the advantageous industries of each region, Analyze its development trend; Further puts forward the shortcomings of the development of industrial cluster areas in China, And in the industrial R & D investment intensity, profit margin, enterprise data and industry type.
    Construction and Empirical Study on the Influence Evaluation Index System of International Science and Technology Organizations
    REN Zhen REN Jiaohan ZHUANG Yan
    2023, 45(1):  120-128.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.05.005
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    The influence of international science and technology organizations determines the play of multilateral cooperation and the realization of their social missions. Establishing the evaluation index system of the influence of international S&T organizations helps judge the influence level of different international S&T organizations and provides a reference for promoting Chinese researchers to work in influential international S&T organizations. This paper used the literature research method, bibliometric method, and expert interview method to construct an evaluation index system for the influence of international science and technology organizations from three aspects of academic, social, and global governance influence, including 3 first-level indicators and 12 second-level indicators. The study assigned weights to the indicators with the help of the Delphi method and used objective data to empirically analyze 19 international scientific and technical organizations in the geology category. The results show that the evaluation index system and quantitative formula designed in this paper are scientific and reasonable, with high operability and practical application value, providing an effective reference for promoting our scientists to serve in international science and technology organizations and driving the development of international science and technology organizations led by China.