

    25 August 2021, Volume 43 Issue 4
    Analysis on the Development Trend of International Green Technology under the Background of Carbon Neutrality
    QIN Aning SUN Yuling WANG Yanpeng TENG Fei
    2021, 43(4):  385-402.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.01.017
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    Green technology innovation is a key driving force for achieving green development and carbon neutrality, and it is becoming an important emerging field in the new round of global industrial revolution and technological competition. This paper investigates the strategic layout of promoting the development of green technologies recently released by major countries and regions, and analyzes the development trend of international green technology by using patent measurement and text clustering based on PCT patents. The results show that major countries in the world have attached great importance to the strategic layout of green technologies, and proposed R&D and application promotion plans in industries, energy, transportation and other fields. The current main trend is to reduce the cost of key green technologies and further promote large-scale applications. According to the results of patent analysis, since 2000, global green technology research and development had experienced three stages: rapid growth, slow decline, and rebound. From the perspective of technology, green technology in the energy field is the most studied area, with patents accounting for 30.4%. The United States, Japan and Germany are leading the field of green technologies research, and are the main green technology PCT patents application countries. Although the number of PCT patent applications of green technology in China is increasing, there is still a gap between China and the leading countries. Based on the analysis, this paper puts forward three suggestions: 1) grasp the global trend of green recovery, improve the green technology development supporting policies, and strengthen the top-level design to make it a new economic growth point; 2) promote the development and application of green technology in industry, transportation, construction, agriculture and other fields; 3) accelerate the establishment of renewable energy, hydrogen and other clean low-carbon energy system, and comprehensively promote energy transformation.
    Evolution and International Impact of Research on Amorphous Alloys
    WEI Xiu FENG Ze YU Hanchao CHEN Kaihua
    2021, 43(4):  403-419.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.01.015
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    Amorphous alloy is a new type of high-performance metallic material developed by modern metallurgical technology. With excellent physical and mechanical properties such as high strength, high elasticity, high toughness, high corrosion resistance, good formability and better soft magnetic resistance, Amorphous alloys have great application potential in high-tech fields such as national defense and aerospace. In this paper, the evolution of amorphous alloys research is systematically reviewed, and the basic research ability of major countries in the world and the competition situation of China in this field are comprehensively analyzed from the horizontal and vertical dimensions. It is found that the research in China in this field is on the rising tendency in general, but there is still a certain gap in academic level between China and developed countries. The results also show that China’s research in this field is in the critical period of improvement and development, with the focus shifting from quantity to quality. The systematic analysis results would provide an important basis and value reference for making relevant policies and plans for the future development of basic research on amorphous alloys in China.
    International Development in Research on Information Technology and Ethics
    LI Yan WANG Xuemei
    2021, 43(4):  420-430.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.01.008
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     Emerging information technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data have promoted social development, while also bringing about a series of ethical issues that need to be solved urgently. Using CiteSpace and Derwent Data Analyzer to analyze the papers published by Ethics and Information Technology in the past 20 years, this paper obtains the information of the papers regarding the main countries and institutions, highly cited papers, classic references and hot research topics, which can provide beneficial references for the research and practice on information technology and ethics in China. Internationally, the research on ethics and information technology is dominated by the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, etc. The main research institutions are Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, Oxford University in the United Kingdom, Rivier College in the United States and so on. Keyword cluster analysis reveals that there are seven hot research topics in this field: artificial intelligence and biomedical ethics, ethical philosophy and information technology, privacy and surveillance and data protection, internet applications and cybercrime, intellectual property and social life, social media, robotics and moral responsibility. The analysis of the evolution process of the subject headings shows that value sensitive design, artificial intelligence, social media, big data, etc., might be the research directions to be focused on in the future.
    Research on EU R&D Scoreboard and Analysis of Opportunities of Innovation Co-operation between Chinese and European Company
    ZHANG Lin GUO Chunshan LI Ling SUN Xiangyu ZHANG Mu JIA Jingdun
    2021, 43(4):  431-439.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.05.002
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    Research and development input is the key factor of science and technology innovation. Based on the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, which is published by the European Commission's Joint Research Center in recent years, this paper explores the development trends of global company R&D investment, dynamically analyzes the industrial structure and ownership of Chinese company, compares the trends of China with EU, the US, Japan, and reveals the progress and gaps of R&D investment trend. In view of the R&D characteristics of EU, combined with the current situation of Chinese science and technology enterprises invested by EU countries, this paper puts forward some directional suggestions and expectation. The article suggests that China should take multiple measures to enhance the innovation capability of enterprises, especially improve the innovation performance evaluation of state-owned enterprises; strengthen China-EU science and technology cooperation to hedge against the trend of anti- globalization; deepen multi-level cooperation between China and Europe in 5G, biomedicine, automobile and other fields; focus on key technologies and common problems in sustainable development and carry out multi-theme cooperation.
    Analysis on Japan’s Science and Technology Innovation Strategic Focus and Policy Direction Based on Japan’s Integrated Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation 2020
    ZHOU Feichen
    2021, 43(4):  440-449.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.01.013
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    Under the new context of COVID-19 outbreak and competition of countries around innovation, this paper, aiming to help deepen the discussion and reference on the scientific and technological innovation strategy, and enhance the insight of science and technology innovation trend, focuses on the general thinking and countermeasures of Japan promoting science and technology innovation. The paper also discusses the current situation of digitization, innovation vitality and scientific research of Japan. Combined with the Comprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation 2020, and the implementation pathway of “Society 5.0”, Japan’s strategic focus and policy direction of coping with the COVID-19 outbreak, building sustainable and resilient socio-economic structures, accelerating the creation of innovation and enhancing the scientific research are summarized and analyzed. The strategic basic technology and the strategic application field are sorted out. This findings of paper may hopefully inspire China’s science and technology innovation strategy-making and research, provide reference for the top-level design for science and technology innovation, the goals and indictors setting, the overall arrangement of basic research and key core technologies, the open science vision and the integration of humanities and social sciences.
    Global Innovation Network Research Hotspots, Subject Distribution and Major Country/Region Research Potential Evaluation
    GUO Xixi LIU Yun
    2021, 43(4):  450-462.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.04.003
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    The global innovation network is the overall structure of all kinds of formal and informal transnational relationships among the global innovation subjects, innovation elements and innovation systems formed around the development of industrial innovation in the process of globalization of scientific and technological innovation. This paper focuses on the global innovation network and related research topics. The core collection of Web of Science is used as the data source, and social network and visualization methods are used to describe and analyze the research hotspots, disciplines and spatial distribution network characteristics of global innovation network. Vitality index and attractiveness index are constructed to evaluate the research potential of major countries in this field, including their own research activity and attractiveness in the network. The results show that emerging markets, emerging industries, innovation policies and network diffusion are becoming hot topics in the field of global innovation network research; the research in this field has attracted the attention of scholars in economic management related disciplines, followed by geography related disciplines; more research efforts have been conducted in Europe and the United States, and emerging economies in Asia have also made important contributions. The United States, Germany, China and the United Kingdom are the main research countries, and their research potential and advantage fields vary in different periods. The United States and Germany have strong research strength and potential for reference cooperation. China and the United Kingdom are becoming important research node countries and have the potential for pioneering cooperation.
    A Comparative Study on the Development of Image Understanding Technology in China, the United States, Japan, SouthKorea and Germany—Empirical Analysis Based on DII Database
    CHEN Wei ZHONG Shuhua
    2021, 43(4):  463-473.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.01.007
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    Taking the Derwent Innovations Index database as the data source, selecting China, the United States, Japan, South Korea and Germany as the comparative research objects, this paper analyzes the overall trend of image understanding technology in the five countries by patent metrology, and adopts the technology competitiveness model to evaluate the technical competitiveness of the five countries. The results show that China is far ahead in the number of patent applications, but the average cited frequency of patents is far lower than those of the United States and Japan. At the same time, the United States almost occupies all the highly cited patents of image understanding technology. Owing to a large number of image understanding technology patents, China's technical strength is slightly ahead of the United States, becoming the first. However, the technology impact index of China is below the expected value, far lower than those of the United States and Japan. The results indicate that China possesses plenty of image understanding technologies which commonly lack of influence. Overall, Japan, South Korea and Germany fall behind China and the United States in terms of technical strength, but each has its own advantages in a certain sub technical field. Japan's technology impact index of scene recovery technology is far higher than those of China, South Korea and Germany. South Korea's image perception and interpretation technology patents account for a large proportion in the world; Germany's technology impact index and patent sharing index of spatiotemporal technology are at the top level in the world. To enhance China's international competitiveness in the field of image understanding technology, it is suggested that China should promote the in-depth development of image understanding technology, promote the balanced development of various sub technologies in the field of image understanding technology, strengthen international cooperation in the field of image understanding technology, and innovate the government service system, so as to create a good environment for technology development.