

    25 August 2020, Volume 42 Issue 4
    Analysis of Energizing China’s Innovation Development with Intellectual Property(IP) Trend Basedon WIPO Reports
    LIshuying ZHANGxian LIUting ZHUyuexian ZHANGzhiqiang
    2020, 42(4):  359-375.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.04.012
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    Firstly, based on the Global Innovation Index Report, World Intellectual Property Indicators and World Intellectual Property Report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) in recent years, this paper explores the development trends and characteristics of international technological innovation. Then, based on the systematic analysis of the WIPO reports, the paper compares the trends of intellectual property(IP) and technological innovation between China and the five major scientific and technological powers, including the United States, Britain, Germany, France and Japan in the past 20 years, and reveals the progress and gaps of China’s IP development and innovation. Finally, in view of the short comings and weaknesses of IP facilitating technological innovation in China, some directional suggestions and expectations are put forward to further strengthen the innovation driven development of IP policy. Policies and institutional environment that convert innovation efficiently would be established and high quality and original IP will be encouraged; Our ability should be improved to govern the globalization of IP rights, develop the IP system with Chinese characteristics, and promote the integrated development of IP right in an all-round way with the state’s economy and society; It is suggested to give full play to the supporting role of IP think tanks, and strengthen the strategic research of IP and regional innovation policies.
    Research on Status of Science and Technology Cooperation between China and ASEAN Based on Bibliometric Methods
    ZHAO Fan LIU Ya
    2020, 42(4):  376-387.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.04.009
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    As the Belt and Road Initiative emphasizes cooperation of science and technology, and ASEAN is the core and priority area of "the Belt and Road" construction, S&T cooperation has become a new highlight of China-ASEAN relations. In order to understand the state of S&T cooperation between China and ASEAN since the 12th Five-Year Plan period, this study analyzes the S&T co-authored papers of China and ASEAN collected by SCIE from 2011 to  2019, conducts quantitative and qualitative analysis, reveals the characteristics and cooperation modes of S&T cooperation between China and ASEAN, describes the current status of S&T cooperation between China and ASEAN, and provides suggestions for the further development. The results show that: the total scale and quality of co-authored papers published by China and ASEAN have gradually improved; there are differences in key cooperation areas between different countries; bilateral cooperation is the mainstream cooperation mode between China and ASEAN; and the cooperation shows a trend of internationalization.
    Researches on Characteristics of Key Projects of NSFC in Recent 15 Years
    LI Jianhui LIU Xin LI Yongxin
    2020, 42(4):  388-399.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.04.016
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    The launch of key projects of national natural science foundation of China are one of the important channels to support basic research in China. In order to carry out the quantitative observation of the current development of key project, this paper uses quantitative research method to analyze and summarize the general situation of key projects, the distribution characteristics of disciplines, the composition of researchers and the distribution and evolution of funded areas. The research results show that: from 2005 to 2019, the number of projects and the amount of funding continued to increase, and the funding intensity continued to increase. The number of projects and funding amount of the medical science department are ahead of other science departments. The average age of the project leaders approximately follows normal distribution. There is a large gap in the distribution of funding areas. Finally, some suggestions are given to provide data support and reference basis for the organization and management of key projects and related scientific and technological work.
    Analysis of Global Cyberspace Situation in 2019
    XU Jing, Wu Hao, TANG Chuan,
    2020, 42(4):  400-411.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.02.008
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    Cyberspace is an important area that affects the country’s prosperity and security. Its development is driven and fed back by policies and events on one hand, and facilitated and constrained by technology developments on the other hand. By collecting and analyzing the critical national cyberspace strategic policies, important events and research and development plans, this article summarizes the new changes and features of global cyberspace in 2019 from the perspective of macro policy, and finds out that: cyberspace has become a new battlefield; Cyberbalkanization is coming; and the era of information manipulation has arrived. It can be considered that the cyberspace confrontation situation continues to escalate in 2019. From the perspective of technology R&D, this article summarizes the cybersecurity risks and new trends in cyberspace R&D brought by the rapid development of artificial intelligence, 5G and blockchain in 2019. 
    A Bibliometric Analysis of International Research on Tibetan Plateau,1981-2018
    DONG Lu LI Zexia WEI Ren
    2020, 42(4):  412-425.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.04.014
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    Because of its unique natural geographical environment, complex geological structure and its impact on the global environment and climate change, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, which is called "the roof of the world" and "the third pole", has long been the focus of international geoscientists. With the launch of TPE international science program and the second comprehensive scientific investigation on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, a number of significant achievements have emerged in recent years.Based on SCI and ESI high cited papers as data sources, this paper uses bibliometrics and comprehensive analysis methods to analyze the current situation and trend of research on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau from four dimensions: the distribution trend of the age, the main countries/regions, the main research institutions and the distribution of research topics.On the whole, in recent years, the number of papers published on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau has increased rapidly, and the influence of papers has increased significantly. China occupies a leading position in the study of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and has active cooperation with the United States.Among them, Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked first in the number of papers, the number of first author papers, the number of high cited papers, and the number of high cited papers of the first author, but the number of cited papers was relatively low.The study of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is mainly focused on its tectonic evolution, involving uplift, collision, crustal structure, etc., among which the impact of uplift and expansion on climate change is also one of the research hotspots. In recent years, there have been new technical methods such as medium resolution imaging spectrometer to study global climate change.
    Analysis and Discussion on the Application of Information Technology in COVID-19 Prevention and Control
    TANG Chuan LI Ruonan
    2020, 42(4):  426-428.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.04.020
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    The COVID-19 outbreak is followed by epidemic prevention and control, with the assistance of information technology. This paper investigates and analyzes the innovative applications of artificial intelligence, robots, big data, blockchain and other information technologies in the epidemic prevention and control of China, and discusses the corresponding measures taken by international communities (the United States, Canada, South Korea, Israel and Singapore) to use information technology to combat COVID-19, so as to encourage all parties using information technology to fully support the epidemic work of early warning, surveillance, prevention, and social governance. In view of the problems with application, it is recommended to strengthen the application of early warning technology for outbreaks, establish an efficient and multi-directional information exchange and sharing system, objectively understand the effectiveness of information technology, accelerate the development of collaborative robot technology, and deepen the application of information technology.
    The Landscape of Sensor Technology for the Elderly and Chinese Countermeasures
    HUANG Lucheng GE Hao
    2020, 42(4):  439-454.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.04.008
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    Gerontechnology innovation for the elderly is an important way to deal with the aging of the population and the main support sensor is an important technical field of gerontechnology innovation for the elderly. This paper uses the methods of scientometric analysis, social network and cluster analysis to analyze the field of old sensor technology from five aspects: growth and spatial distribution, distribution of patentees and authors of scientific and technological literature, core patent distribution, technical focus and competitive situation. The research performs a panoramic interpretation to reveal the current research status in the field of old sensor technology, and fully demonstrates the competitive landscape in this field. The study finds out that the sensor technology field for the elderly is currently in a period of development, and Japanese companies dominate the ranking of patentees, while the authors of scientific and technological literature are dominated by European and American countries, and Japan and the United States have the most highly-cited patents and high-value patents, the hotspots are mainly in the fields of electrical physics and medical and health, and the research frontiers are mainly focused on smart home, electronic medical, fall risk assessment and gait analysis. This study also reveals problems in Chinese sensor technology innovation, and provides decision-making suggestions for sensor technology innovation.
    Analysis of Strategy and Technology Situation on Global Hydrogen Industry
    SUN Yuling HU Zhihui QIN Aning TENG Fei LIN Hanchen
    2020, 42(4):  455-465.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.04.007
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    With increasing stress in global climate and the acceleration of energy transition, hydrogen has caught attention of the world for its advantages of clean, flexible and efficient and abundant application scenarios. Since 2000, Japan, the US, Europe and the other developed countries attach importance to hydrogen and consider it in their energy strategies, and make substantial progresses on development of hydrogen industry through efforts in strategic layout, project development and demonstration application. This article summarizes and analyzes hydrogen industry strategic points, targets and development levels of each major country, compares and analyzes basic researches and technical reserves of China and prior countries on hydrogen. Research indicates that, a new wave of hydrogen economy has started in the world, each main country is accelerating layouts of hydrogen economy; comparing with prior countries on hydrogen in the world, China still has gaps on top-level design, industrial technology control and industry development level. The paper then suggests that China should: further strengthen strategic guidance and industry-academia-research collaboration; increase localization level of key materials and devices; give full play to resource advantages, actively distributing green hydrogen economy; and pay attention to hydrogen downstream diversified utilization.