

    25 April 2017, Volume 39 Issue 2
    science and technology policy and management
    Study on Russian Legislation in Field of Science and Technolog
    WU Miao HAO Yun WANG Lixian HE Jingjing ZHANG Xiaoyun
    2017, 39(2):  117-121.  doi:10.16507 /j.issn.1006-6055.2017.03.003
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    Through literature research,the content,form and legislative body of Russian legislation in the field of science and technology are analyzed.Russian legislation about science and technology mainly includes comprehensive and macro-level science policy with guiding significance,and targeted special laws as the goal to promote innovation.The former is designed to guide and regulate developmental direction of the country's science and technology from the macro level,the latter is focused on the protection of intellectual property,stimulation of innovation of society enthusiasm,so as to maintain Russian great power status in the field of science and technology in the world.In addition to the formal federal law,Russia also publishes comprehensive or departmental industrial developmental strategy and planning as the form of governmental resolutions,presidential decrees and other administrative policy.Besides,the president,government,parliament and others are regarded as Russia's main legislative decision-making body for science and technology and legislative procedures are consistent with other laws. Although Russia has continuously improved its legislation of science and technology,there are still some problems such as lack of systematization,weak operation and poor timeliness in scientific legislation.The effect of science and technology policy on promoting the development of Russian innovation about science and technology has yet to be improved.

    Evolution of Global Mineral Resources Science and Technology Policy and Its Inspiration to China
    LIU Xue ZHENG Junwei ZHAO Jidong WANG Liwei
    2017, 39(2):  122-128.  doi:10.16507 /j. issn.1006 - 6055.2017.03.004
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    Mineral resource is the material basis of survival and development for human. Entering the 21st century,China will still be in speeding up the industrialization stage,faced with a series of problems,such as the shortage of mineral resources and ecological damage to the environment,it is urgent to improve mineral resources science and technology policy to better promote the sustainable economic and social development. In this paper,the evolution of mineral resources science and technology policy since the 1970s in main countries are described,with the policy framework and demand analyzed,and several suggestions on the technical policy of mineral resources in our country are put forward,in order to provide a reference for China's future mineral resources policy research.

    Study on Game of Interest Distribution of Industrial Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance Supported by Governmental Programs or Funds
    GUO Linlin XIA Weili BAI Libiao
    2017, 39(2):  129-133.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2017.02.013
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    To establish and perfect the interest distribution mechanism is fundamental to the success of industrial technology innovation strategy alliance. In view of the current situation where the government is deeply involved in the innovation process of alliances and exerts ever greater impacts over alliance members,interest distribution game model is established to probe into the interest distribution mechanism of the industrial technology innovation strategy alliance supported by the governmental programs or funds. The research shows that the support of governmental programs are instrumental to balanced decision - making of the alliance. The support of governmental funds are favorable to the speculation of the members,so it is unfavorable to the growth of the alliance. During the process of providing support to promote industrial alliances,the government shall consider adopting appropriate approaches that rely upon specific projects,which shall be conducive for facilitating cooperation between alliance members.

    science and technology situation and trend
    Research Progress in Application of Transmission Electron Back-scattering Diffraction( t-EBSD) Technique for Materials Science
    QIN Lilu
    2017, 39(2):  134-138.  doi:10. 16507 /j.issn.1006-6055.2017.03.005
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    The t-EBSD technique was proposed since 2012. In this paper,the principle of t-EBSD was introduced. The t-EBSD used in the materials science and the application of this technique combined with other techniques was concluded. Meanwhile,the future research of t-EBSD was proposed. At present,the t-EBSD was used in the research areas such as the super-fined grains,the large-variable metals and oxide film. In the future,the t-EBSD will be combined with more analytical techniques,and the applied range of the high resolution micro crystal structure analysis will be expanded.

    Research Development of Influencing Factors on Efficiency of Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell
    ZHAO Qing WU Mingsong WANG Ziyi XU Xun TONG Xinyi
    2017, 39(2):  139-143.  doi:10.16507/j. issn.1006-6055.2017.03.006
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    Sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) is a kind of in-situ restoration method for sediment of water body by microbial catalytic oxidation. In this paper,research development of influencing factors on efficiency of sediment microbial fuel cell,such as electrode,pretreatment and mass transfer of substrate,water body,microbes and outside resistors are reviewed, and research direction of how to improve the efficiency of SMFC in the future is proposed.

    Application of Sodium Hypochlorite and Chlorine Dioxide in Feedwater Disinfection: a Review
    WU Mingsong XU Xun HUANG Junli WANG jian
    2017, 39(2):  144-148.  doi:10.16507 /j.issn.1006 - 6055.2017.03.007
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    Application development of sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide in feedwater water disinfection process was summarized.Disinfection efficiency,safety,generation process and cost was compared between them as substitute for chlorine.The conclusions indicate that chlorine dioxide is more suitable to substitute for sodium hypochlorite in respect to disinfection effect,byproduct safety and algae and odor removing.Development and promotion of high purity chlorine dioxide generation process by chlorate is the developing direction in future.

    Research Advances of Piperazine Containing Compounds Targeting Enzymes
    GAN Linling CHEN Yongjie ZHANG Yahong
    2017, 39(2):  149-158.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2017.03.008
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    Piperazine ring is an important class of heterocyclic nitrogen which is widely used in structural modification of drugs.The introduction of piperazine ring into compounds,which are targeting DNA topoisomerase,lansterol 14α-demethylase,(1,3) -β-D-glucan synthase,11β-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase 1,glucokinase,beta-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 and fatty acid amide hydrolase,not only could enhance their efficacy and improve pharmacokinetic properties,but also could be easy to be modified to constitute a hybrid with multi pharmacological targets. These compounds have shown a wide range of biological activities and could be used for the treatment of bacterial infection,fungal infection,type 2 diabetes,Alzheimer's disease and pain,which have great development value.Therefore,the recent advances of the piperazine-containing compounds as antibacterial agents,antifungal agents,anti-diabetes agents,anti-Alzheimer's disease agents and anodyne were described,and their structure-activity relationship were also reviewed.

    Application of Electromagnetic Heating Technology in Petrochemical Energy
    YANG Zhaozhong QI Shuangyu LI Xiaogang ZHU Jingyi
    2017, 39(2):  159-163.  doi:10.16507 /j.issn.1006-6055.2017.03.009
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     Electromagnetic heating is an innovative technology,it is easy to operate,rapid heating,environmental friendly,and has broad application prospects in the exploitation and use of petrochemical energy.In this paper,the application of electromagnetic heating technology in petrochemical energy is introduced from the point of view of laboratory research and field application,including heavy oil exploitation and transportation,oil shale pyrolysis,pyrolysis of coal and desulfurization,and the application prospects of catalyst in the above aspects are analyzed.In the light of the problems existing in the application of electromagnetic heating technology in petrochemical energy the future possible research direction of this technology is presented.

    Kinetics Modeling of Soil Nitrogen Mineralization: a Review
    WANG Xiaoxiao HUANG Ping WU Shengjun HUANG Yuanyang LIU Zhimei JIANG Y
    2017, 39(2):  164-173.  doi:10. 16507 /j. issn. 1006 - 6055. 2017. 03. 010
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    Nitrogen ( N) mineralization is an important process of the N biogeochemical cycle,and how to quantify and simulate is a key question on N cycle.As yet a variety of mathematical models with disparity of equations and parameters have been built to descript the soil N mineralization process.However,it is still debatable for application conditions,parameters and simulation results in different models.In this paper,latest models are comparatively evaluated to predict N mineralization,such as the simple function model,and environmental effect model which considering the soil environmental factors including temperature,moisture,and pH.The comparing results reveals that the single fraction first-order kinetic model may not descript the N mineralization process comprehensively because of its consideration of one single soil N pool and big systematic error between the simulating and validating results in different experimental stages.The two-component model and special model can be better used for simulating N mineralization.Environmental effect model considers environmental factors and different types of organic N pools.However,it's difficult to select model parameters in real scenarios due to it concerning a large number of environmental factors and complex processes.Overall,in light of the special climate hydrological conditions and soil environment of China,the composite model which includes influences of environmental factors should be focused on.It is crucial to promote the further verification in the future studies and realize the standardization and quantification of the experimental study.

    Research Status and Prospection of GIS Based Locational Modeling in Environmental Archaeology
    WANG Lin WU Hong
    2017, 39(2):  174-181.  doi:10. 16507 /j. issn. 1006 - 6055. 2017. 03. 011
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    With the popularization of spatial analysis and progress of interdisciplinary study,the GIS based archaeological locational modeling has made distinctive progress.This quantitative method is constantly utilized by both international and Chinese researchers to describe ancient man-land relationship and analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of settlement pattern.Some promising results have been achieved.By summarizing recent works and beginning with the application history of GIS in archaeology,current research status of GIS based locational modeling in Chinese environmental archaeology study is described according to different research topics. At the end,by summarizing the difficulties experienced by western archaeologists during the application of GIS,existing problems deserving attention and research prospect for domestic work are further discussed.This work can be used as a reference for environmentalist and archaeologist who are interested in archaeological locational modeling.

    Review of Integrated Transport Network Planning Research
    SONG Jingni WU Qunqi XUE Chenlei BAO Xu DU Kai
    2017, 39(2):  182-188.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2016.12.003
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    Rational planning of integrated transport network is a prerequisite for achieving sound,rapid and sustainable transport. Only integrated different levels of transport planning can establish a reliable,efficient and sustainable transport system. In this thesis,relevant research findings on integrated transport network planning at home and abroad are sorted and summarized systematically from the aspects of strategic planning,tactical planning and operational planning. Underlying challenges in different levels of planning are pointed out.Results show that strategic planning for the overall layout of integrated transport network is urgently required,and the construction of“increment”is to lead the optimization of“the storage quantity”; based on the reliability of integrated transport service network design is to be resolved; establishing a reasonable mathematical model and designing an efficient,operational algorithm for integrated transport network planning issues are crucial.

    Research and Development of Children's E -book Based on Augmented Reality Technology
    LI Zhenhua LOU Xiangxiong
    2017, 39(2):  189-193.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2017.03.012
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    At present,the traditional paper media is impacted by the interconnection of multimedia information and network.The development space of paper media is blocked. Combined with augmented reality technology,multimedia information can be added to the original paper media,and the interaction with the users can be enhanced.In this paper,combined with the general development process of the augmented reality system,the development process of mature augmented reality E-book is listed.From the virtual and real registration technology,the actual situation of fusion technology and natural interaction technology,the three aspects of the key technology of the augmented reality E-book are summarized.The current application research status of the children's E-book based on augmented reality is sorted out.The development trend of children's E-book development technology and application is also predicted,and the research of interactive E-book design and the E-book development and publication management model is proposed.

    Function and Research Progress of Th17 /Treg Cells and Their Related Cytokines in Pathogenesis of Ulcerative Colitis
    LI Peirong WEI Rong WU Zhiping ZHANG Deku
    2017, 39(2):  194-197.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2017.03.013
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    Ulcerative Colitis( UC) is a chronic non -specific intestinal inflammatory disease whose pathogenesis is not very clear.It is currently considered that Th17 /Treg cells imbalance involved in the development of UC.In this paper,the function and research progress of Th17 /Treg cells and their related cytokines in UC are reviewed.It is found that whether the increase of Th17 cells or the decrease of Treg cells can lead to the occurrence of UC.Th17 cells play a dual role in the pathogenesis of UC,which can protect the intestinal mucosa by maintaining the balance of the immune microenvironment,and also can aggravate intestinal inflammatory reaction,but mainly play a role in promoting inflammation.However,Treg cells inhibit intestinal inflammation cascade and amplification reaction mainly through the secretion and regulation of IL-10,TGF-β.

    Research Status in Treatment of Ischemic Cerebrovascular Diseases by Mesenchymal Stem Cells
    ZHANG Jinmei YANG Yuanrong
    2017, 39(2):  198-201.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2017.03.014
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    Ischemic cerebrovascular disease is one of ischemic diseases which is becoming a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the whole world.Mesenchymal stem cells( MSCs) have been used to treat ischemic cerebrovascular diseases in animal models and clinical trials.Lots of publications demonstrated that MSCs therapy was safe and relieved symptoms of patients.However,many factors may influence therapeutic efficacy including transplantation route,time window,dose and source of MSCs.In this paper,all these factors as well as mechanisms of MSCs-based therapeutics for ischemic cerebrovascular and clinical trials safety are reviewed.It will provide help for further research and clinical treatment.

    science and technology evaluation
    Bibliometrical Analysis of Earth Critical Zone Research
    WANG Liwei ZHANG Zhiqiang AN Peijun LIU Wenhao
    2017, 39(2):  202-208.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2017.03.015
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    Earth Critical Zone was formally proposed by the American Research Council ( NRC) in 2001.Then United States,South Africa,China and other countries,and relevant international organizations,such as the European Union,organized and deployed research projects,as well as developed the related research plan,established observation web site for a long time,to strengthen and promote Earth Critical Zone research.In this paper,based on SCIE database,the relevant papers,research reviews,conference papers and other relevant documents from 2001 to 2015 were retrieved.Based on the Earth Critical Zone studies,the results show that: 1) the overall research papers of Earth Critical Zone show the fluctuation growth trend; 2) America and its research institutions have absolute advantage in Earth Critical Zone research,but Chinese institutions still need to further improve the research strength; 3) From the hot spot change,research topics,including critical zone,hydrology,soil,etc has become the most concerned for the major countries and institutions; 4) Interdisciplinary research is key important organization mode to Earth Critical Zone research.Finally,the four future key research directions of Earth Critical Zone in China are put forward.

    Bibliometric Analysis of Competitive Situation of International Deep-water Oil and Gas Resources Research
    WU Xiuping WANG Jinping LIU Yanfei
    2017, 39(2):  209-216.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2016.11.002
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    Based on the database of Web of Science information platform,the bibliometrics visualization tools are used to analyze deep-water oil and gas resources research,including Thomson Data Analyzer and the Ucinet and excel et al.Annual distribution,journal distribution,mainly countries,instituations and its influence are compared and analyzed. From the perspective
    of literature metrology,it's showed that the studies of deep-water oil and gas resources are mainly concentrated in universities,research institutions and government departments in the United States,Britain,Germany,France,Canada and China; The United States is well ahead of other countries in the total publication numbers,the strength of cooperation between countries and the papers' total citation rates.The university of California in the main institutions are identificated advantage in the total publication numbers; the papers cited frequency of university of California are also above other institutions.In the last three years( 2013 ~2015) ,the publications of China is better than other countries,the most numerous of publication instituation is the Chinese academy of sciences.For the last three years,the deep-water oil and gas resources related international researches are focused on the oil spill,the gulf of Mexico,Cold-seep ecosystem,stable isotopes,deep-water environmental pollution research.

    Measurement and Spatial Clustering Analysis of China's High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industry Innovation Performance
    YU Xia XU Min
    2017, 39(2):  217-223.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2017. 03.016
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    Based on the panel data of China's 30 provinces during 2007 ~ 2014,the stochastic frontier panel production function is used to make an empirical analysis of China's high-end equipment manufacturing industry innovation performance,and its spatial clustering is further discussed.The study finds that: R&D funds expenditure has a higher output elasticity compared to the R&D personnel invest; government support and external technology acquisition have negative correlation with the innovation performance; enterprise investment in science and foreign open degree have positive relation with the innovation performance; Chinese high-end equipment manufacturing industry innovation performance overall presented an upward trend and revealed a“High in the east and low in the west”agglomeration characteristics.Relying to these results some enlightenment can be provided for transforming China from a manufacture of quantity to one of quality.