

    25 February 2024, Volume 46 Issue 1
    Carry out High-quality Science and Technology Strategy Consulting towards the Modernization of Science and Technology
    CHEN Yunwei
    2024, 46(1):  1-7.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.12.008
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    Accelerating the modernization of science and technology is inseparable from high-quality science and technology strategy consulting. Science and technology strategy consulting needs to effectively serve the requirements of modernization of science and technology and provide strategic decision-making suggestions for the construction of scientific and technological innovation system, the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, and the promotion of high-quality economic and social development. Pay attention to common issues such as problem-oriented, systematic thinking, development concepts, and feasible countermeasures, and carry out high-quality scientific and technological strategic consulting. In terms of organization and implementation, it is necessary to pay attention to theoretical and methodological research, scientifically manage and utilize data, continue improving the system and mechanism of science and technology strategy consulting, establish self-confidence in innovation and science and technology culture, and improve the ability of science and technology strategy consulting.
    Future-oriented Strategic Layout and Inspiration in the Energy Sector of the World's Major Economies
    DING Shangyu ZHANG Chaoxing LI Hong DAI Wei
    2024, 46(1):  8-20.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.07.005
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    Under the background of China's "dual carbon" goal and high-quality development strategy, correctly grasping the main direction of China's future energy development and deploying strategic decisions is the key to helping China gain international competitive advantages and seize the development opportunities in the future energy field. Based on data from 2017-2021 on future-oriented government plans, science and technology plans and think tank reports in the energy sector of significant economies in the world, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia and the European Union, this paper systematically compares the future directions of critical concerns, specific practices and successful experiences of each major economy in the energy sector, and makes some suggestions for the future development and system transformation of energy in China: 1) Comprehensively assess China's energy resource structure and consumption structure and the current status of research and development, and develop a future energy deployment and development route that is consistent with China's national conditions; 2) Fully sort out and evaluate the problems in the energy field from basic research to all links of the industrialization chain, so as to target the problems and pave the way for the efficient development of future energy; 3) Comprehensively research the organizational models and operational mechanisms of energy management agencies around the world to provide a favorable policy environment for the future development of energy.
    Analysis on National Strategy Layout and R&D Trend of Quantum Information Field
    SONG Shanshan ZHONG Yongheng LIU Jia LIU Panpan
    2024, 46(1):  21-35.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.001
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    Recently, the quantum information field represented by quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum measurement has continued to be active. It has become an important trend in basic research exploration, disruptive technology innovation and future industry transformation. Therefore, clarifying the development trend of quantum information field is of great value for China to build a world's science and technology power. Firstly, this paper introduces the relevant concepts and research in the quantum information field, then analyzes the quantum strategy layout of the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan and China. Finally, it shows the research and development trend through the multi-dimensional bibliometric analysis of papers and patents in the quantum information field. At present, the quantum information field is in a rapid development stage, and international scientific and technological powers attach great importance to policy layout, capital investment, talent introduction and international cooperation in the field, among which the United States has the most advantage. China has entered the core position in the fields of quantum communication and quantum computing. In the future, it is necessary for China to accelerate the strategic deployment, actively attract and retain quantum information talents, and deeply promote the industry-university-research cooperation innovation in the quantum information field.
    Development of Digital-driven Bioeconomy
    MA Zhengyuan XIONG Yan CHEN Daming
    2024, 46(1):  36-44.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.05.001
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    Bioeconomy is a new economic form after agricultural economy, industrial economy, and digital economy. Its driving force mainly includes the use of biological resources, the coupling of biological data, and the innovation of biotechnology. Among them, the introduction of digitalization, because it opened up the“data → information → knowledge → application” transfromation of the knowledge-intensive bioeconomy, improved the protection and utilization efficiency of biological resources, and enhanced the measurement and analysis, regulation and intervention, design and creative capabilities of complex biological systems It promoted the direction of biotechnology towards quantitative, computing, regulatory, and predictable, and activated the kinetic energy of biological economy. Based on the analysis of the production factors, production relations and productivity characteristics of bioeconomy, this article has explored the developing path of a digital-driven bioeconomy, studied the challenges of bioeconomy development and possible digital governance strategies, and proposed targeted suggestions.
    Current Situation and Prospects of Responsible Research and Innovation in the World
    WANG Chenyang CHU Jianxun
    2024, 46(1):  45-57.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.05.007
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    Responsible research and innovation (RRI) are important concepts in international scientific and technological development and governance. Based on the Web of Science core dataset of 1180 relevant literature, bibliometric and scientific knowledge graph analysis were conducted. Research has found that institutions and scholars from the United States, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom hold leading positions in this field while emerging countries such as China, India, and Brazil are also actively engaged in research in RRI research field. The core research theme of foreign scholars is RRI in digital agriculture and ecological environment, enterprises, biomedicine, research ethics and other fields, as well as theoretical exploration of RRI. Chinese scholars started their research in RRI field relatively late but have made positive progress in RRI practices in cutting-edge science and technology, RRI practices in the economic and social fields, and knowledge of RRI in localization and re-innovation. It is recommended that domestic scholars attach importance to combining RRI with basic research and emerging technology research, to enhance China's international academic influence in RRI field.
    Trend Analysis of Synthetic Biology in Industry Perspective
    ZHANG Tuoyu MENG Qinghai
    2024, 46(1):  58-71.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.002
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    Driven by technological breakthroughs, policy support, and industrial and capital follow-up, synthetic Biology is ushering in a time of industrialization. This paper examines the recent strategic planning, policies and regulations, market dynamics, business cooperation, financial investment and other information at home and abroad, and analyzes the development trend of synthetic biology from the industrial perspective. In many countries, synthetic biology has been regarded as a key in national bioeconomy strategies, and the technical roadmap and objectives have been clarified for medicine, chemical industry, materials, agriculture, food and other related industries. The regulation have been continuously optimized to support the commercialization of new technologies and new products, and technical control, and technological safety have attracted attention. In business, more and more practical products based on synthetic biology have successively ushered in commercial “milestones”, cooperations between synthetic biology enterprises and traditional manufacturing enterprises have been closely invested remain confident and tend to be commercially rational, and the environment conducive to industrial development is growing improvement. For the synthetic biology industry in China, it is suggested to clarify the technical roadmap of key fields further vigorously invest in the research of enabling technologies, industrial technologies and core equipment, promote the industrial application and demonstration, enhance the capabilities of advanced biomanufacturing facilities and bio-data resources, and explore the high-quality industrial environment construction.
    Open Access: Origins, Key Gains, Obstacles, and Future Developments
    LIAO Yu LIU Jingyi SHEN Zhesi
    2024, 46(1):  72-89.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.006
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    Open Access (OA) plays a pivotal role in the process of open academic exchange, and exploring the OA process is beneficial for promoting the benign development of the OA movement in China and providing meaningful reference and insight for all stakeholders. This paper comprehensively utilizes the literature review inductive, and case analysis methods to divide the OA movement into four main stages. It systematically explores and categorizes the early developmental process, rapid development period, challenges faced by OA, and new opportunities. OA holds great significance for constructing an open academic exchange ecosystem, yet there are still controversies and challenges in OA regarding funding, quality control, and intellectual property protection. It is suggested that China should further aggregate the wisdom of all stakeholders, promote the sustainable development of OA, and enhance its influence and discourse power in the international aspect.
    Research on the Evaluation of China’s Provincial “Dual Carbon” Policies Based on the Three-Dimensional Analysis Framework
    JIN Luyao ZENG Jingjing
    2024, 46(1):  90-107.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.005
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    Due to the fact that the “dual carbon” policy has become an emerging issue in China in recent years, conducting a quantitative evaluation of Chinese provincial-level “dual carbon” policy text can grasp the current development overview of “dual carbon” work in various provinces. Starting from three vertical, horizontal, and individual perspectives in the policy system, this paper constructs a three-dimensional analytical framework for provincial-level “dual carbon” policies, namely “Policy responsiveness-Policy completeness-Policy synergy”. The LDA topic model is used to quantify policy text, and the indicators of all dimensions are calculated by combining the theories and methods of policy diffusion, PMC modeland policy synergy. Apply this framework to analyze 79 provincial “dual carbon” policy texts quantitatively. Obtain specific scores for each province’s “dual carbon” policy set in three dimensions, analyze its internal reasons, provide an overall development overview, and further propose policy recommendations from four aspects: development process, policy themes, policy combinations, and policy synergy. Finally, the research limitations and prospects are summarized.
    Research on Government Technological Innovation and Technological Enterprise Cultivation Policy: Based on an International Comparative Perspective#br#
    HAN Zhihong ZHANG Jihai
    2024, 46(1):  108-120.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.004
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    National government departments focus on scientific and technological innovation and technological enterprise cultivation policies. Refine China’s existing policy framework for technological innovation and the cultivation of technological enterprises, and analyze the governance systems and enterprise cultivation plans for technological innovation in different countries from an international comparative perspective. According to the analysis, China’s technological enterprise cultivation policy has planned a growth path for enterprises from technological SMEs to “specialized and innovative” and invisible champions. At the same time, in order to select high-quality enterprises, various regions have established a “chick ox gazelle unicorn” cultivation system. A comparative analysis of the governance systems and enterprise cultivation plans for scientific and technological innovation in the United States, Germany, and Japan shows that different countries have different organizational systems for scientific and technological innovation management. However, each country has developed additional system development plans for key nodes in the supply chain, high-tech or disruptive technological innovation SMEs, based on its existing SME cultivation policy system. In the process of cultivating complex technology enterprises, it is recommended to draw on the particular plan of Germany’s “high-tech strategy” to promote collaborative innovation among different types of entities, introduce the project manager system in Japan’s disruptive technological innovation plan, and pay attention to the support methods of the United States federal government investing in small enterprises in the manufacturing supply chain to obtain credit, venture capital, and R&D projects.
    The Practices of ARPA-E for Implementing and Promoting Disruptive Technology Transfer and the Enlightenment
    SHI Dongmei WANG Jing QU Yilong ZHANG Jingyin
    2024, 46(1):  121-134.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.007
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    ARPA-E has succeeded in the organization and implementation of transformative energy research programs, which have promoted the development and commercialization of advanced energy technologies with transformative significance and great potential application value. This paper reviews the deployment and implementation of energy technology programs by ARPA-E and finds that ARPA-E continuously seeks and identifies transformative energy innovation technologies in the field of energy. Through a series of technology program combinations, including Focused projects, OPEN projects, IDEA projects, and exploratory projects, ARPA-E supports the development and technological progress of energy innovation in the United States. This paper further summarizes and analyzes the measures and experiences of ARPA-E in promoting the transformation of transformative energy technology achievements, summarizes the relevant practices of ARPA-E in highlighting the “technology to market” orientation in the entire process of science and technology project management, and analyzes the positive role the “Seed Incubation of Leading Energy Technologies with Application Potential” program in promoting the marketization and commercialization of transformational energy technologies, as well as multiple measures by ARPA-E to promote the transformation of transformative technological achievements. Finally, based on ARPAE’s management experience in technology determination, incentive innovation, and commercialization of technological achievements, suggestions were proposed to promote advanced energy technology development and the transformation of achievements in China.
    IP Management in NASA Technology Transfer and Its Implications for Public Research Organizations
    XU Huifang WEI Shan CHEN Sisi WANG Yuxin ZHENG Xiang
    2024, 46(1):  135-146.  doi:10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.003
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    Focusing on the intellectual property management of public research organizations, this paper analyzes the national legal support behind NASA's mature technology transfer system and its policies and specifications for intellectual property management, including ownership of intellectual property, the mechanism of the technology transfer process, the technology transfer management organization and the roles and responsibilities of the organization, the technology licensing commercialization process, and the revenue and reward distribution. Public research organizations can draw inspiration from NASA’s successful experience as follows: Based on following the national laws and policies, public research organizations should improve the relevant regulations on the ownership and use of intellectual property rights and explore new measures. Establish a more standardized and operational business process of technology transfer, and set up an effective management mechanism for the key links of management, such as technology disclosure, pre-evaluation and decision-making of intellectual property application, technology commercialization decision-making, etc. Set up more explicit departmental and post responsibilities according to the business process, and attach importance to the training and introduction of professionals. Furthermore, construct a scientific intellectual property management policy system from the perspectives of establishing an intellectual property management platform and improving benefit distribution and reward systems to promote the development of technology transfer activities.