WORLD SCI-TECH R&D ›› 2023, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 87-95.doi: 10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.06.004

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Comparison and Understanding of the Overall Allocation of Innovation Resources between China and the United States Based on Analysis of the Main Viewpoints of American Think Tanks

GUO Rong   ZHANG Junfang   ZHOU Daishu   ZHANG Mingxi   NIU Qin   GAO Yi   

  1. Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing 100038, China
  • Online:2023-02-25 Published:2023-03-13


Recently, through a horizontal comparison of China’s scientific and technological progress, American think tanks believe that the overall trend of American scientific and technological innovation is weakening and put forward corresponding suggestions. This paper proposes that, unlike the past practice of tracking specific areas of science and technology or individual policies in China, American think tanks have paid more and more attention to comparing the allocation of innovation resources between China and the United States in recent years, to design institutionalized strategies for China’s advantages. From the perspective of the US side’s actual policy trends and think tanks’ main viewpoints, coping with the “model” with the “model” is becoming an important trend in the Sino-US scientific and technological innovation game. This paper objectively analyzes the main viewpoints of American think tanks and the progress and gap in China’s overall allocation of innovation resources, and suggests that China should continue to strengthen its national strategic scientific and technological forces and continue to optimize China’s scientific and technological innovation mechanism; Adjust R & D investment policies, and cultivate world-class science and technology enterprises; Optimize the operation mechanism of state-owned venture capital funds; We will deepen the cooperative governance of the innovation chain, and jointly build a safe and orderly international digital space community.

Key words: Sino-US, Innovation, Resource Allocation, Innovative Game