WORLD SCI-TECH R&D ›› 2022, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 846-856.doi: 10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.04.003

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Analysis of U.S. Government’s Science and Technology Layout Based on Federal Funds for Research and Development

CHENG Ruyan   

  1. Institute of Scientific and Technological Information of China, Beijing 100038, China
  • Online:2022-12-25 Published:2023-01-28


As one crucial science and technology investment resource, the distribution of Government R&D funds can reflect the government's science and technology layout. Based on the data of U.S. Federal R&D funds, this paper analyzes several essential aspects of the U.S. government's science and technology layout - critical areas, R&D types, and implementers (including foreignimplementers). The research shows that: 1) the critical areas of the U.S. federal government include national defense, health, energy, aerospace, etc. However, the share of national defense in the government's R&D budget has decreased compared with 10 years ago, while the share of health and energy has increased; 2) The type of R&D activities is mainly research (basic research + Applied Research) at present, while decades ago it was mainly experimental development; 3) The main implementers include enterprises, government research institutions, universities, federally funded R&D centers and non-profit organizations. However, the share of federal R&D funds spent by enterprises is decreasing, while the share of funds spent by universities is increasing; 4) The foreign layout is dominated by ally countries whose R&D areas include national defense, aerospace, hygiene and health, basic research, agriculture, etc. A small part of the funds is given to developing countries whose R&D area focus on health.

Key words: United States, Federal R&D Funds, R&D Fields, R&D Categories