WORLD SCI-TECH R&D ›› 2022, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 231-243.doi: 10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2022.01.006

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Analysis on Patent Layout and Development Trend of Global Gene Editing Technology

ZHONG Hua   XU Meimei   GOU Huan   AN Xinying   

  1. Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Science, Beijng 100020, China
  • Online:2022-04-25 Published:2022-05-05

Abstract: In recent years, gene editing technology has developed rapidly and has been widely used in synthetic biology, metabolic engineering and medical research. This study, by analyzing the relevant patent documents of gene editing techniques, investigates the international situation, the main research and development institutions, research and development personnel and teams and their research and development cooperation status, technology flow, technical topics, and the present situation and problems of technology innovation of gene editing techniques. The global gene editing technology patent layout and the present condition of the talent, the development status and trend of gene editing techniques are revealed. It is found that gene editing technology has shown a rapid growth trend since 2016, among which CRISPR technology has become the main direction of gene editing technology research and development. The dominant research and development institutions of gene editing technology are mainly distributed in the United States. In China, national scientific research institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences are in the forefront of research and development, and the technical content is mainly in the field of plants, farm animals or aquaculture. There are few systematic improvements in CRISPR and other key core technologies. The problem is that although the number of core patents in China is in the forefront, the distribution of patent technology needs to be optimized and expanded, and the number of patents with substantial transformation of technological achievements is small. Finally, based on the analysis results, suggestions are put forward for the development of gene editing technology in China, including to establish a basic, original gene editing technology system with global intellectual property rights, promote the optimization and adjustment of technology pattern, and promote the transformation of technological achievements.

Key words: Gene Editing, Gene Engineering, CRISPR Technology, Patent Analysis