WORLD SCI-TECH R&D ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 431-439.doi: 10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2021.05.002

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Research on EU R&D Scoreboard and Analysis of Opportunities of Innovation Co-operation between Chinese and European Company

ZHANG Lin1   GUO Chunshan2   LI Ling1   SUN Xiangyu1   ZHANG Mu1   JIA Jingdun1   

  1. 1. Torch High Technology Industry Development Center, Ministry of Science and Technology, Beijing 100045, China; 2. Science and Technology Innovation and Development Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • Online:2021-08-25 Published:2021-08-23

Abstract: Research and development input is the key factor of science and technology innovation. Based on the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, which is published by the European Commission's Joint Research Center in recent years, this paper explores the development trends of global company R&D investment, dynamically analyzes the industrial structure and ownership of Chinese company, compares the trends of China with EU, the US, Japan, and reveals the progress and gaps of R&D investment trend. In view of the R&D characteristics of EU, combined with the current situation of Chinese science and technology enterprises invested by EU countries, this paper puts forward some directional suggestions and expectation. The article suggests that China should take multiple measures to enhance the innovation capability of enterprises, especially improve the innovation performance evaluation of state-owned enterprises; strengthen China-EU science and technology cooperation to hedge against the trend of anti- globalization; deepen multi-level cooperation between China and Europe in 5G, biomedicine, automobile and other fields; focus on key technologies and common problems in sustainable development and carry out multi-theme cooperation.

Key words: Companies R&D Investment, Technological Innovation, R&D Structure Decomposition, China-EU Sci-Tech Cooperation