WORLD SCI-TECH R&D ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 121-134.doi: 10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.007

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The Practices of ARPA-E for Implementing and Promoting Disruptive Technology Transfer and the Enlightenment

SHI Dongmei   WANG Jing   QU Yilong   ZHANG Jingyin   

  1. High Technology Research and Development Center, the Ministry of Science and Technology, Beijing 100044, China
  • Online:2024-02-25 Published:2024-03-04


ARPA-E has succeeded in the organization and implementation of transformative energy research programs, which have promoted the development and commercialization of advanced energy technologies with transformative significance and great potential application value. This paper reviews the deployment and implementation of energy technology programs by ARPA-E and finds that ARPA-E continuously seeks and identifies transformative energy innovation technologies in the field of energy. Through a series of technology program combinations, including Focused projects, OPEN projects, IDEA projects, and exploratory projects, ARPA-E supports the development and technological progress of energy innovation in the United States. This paper further summarizes and analyzes the measures and experiences of ARPA-E in promoting the transformation of transformative energy technology achievements, summarizes the relevant practices of ARPA-E in highlighting the “technology to market” orientation in the entire process of science and technology project management, and analyzes the positive role the “Seed Incubation of Leading Energy Technologies with Application Potential” program in promoting the marketization and commercialization of transformational energy technologies, as well as multiple measures by ARPA-E to promote the transformation of transformative technological achievements. Finally, based on ARPAE’s management experience in technology determination, incentive innovation, and commercialization of technological achievements, suggestions were proposed to promote advanced energy technology development and the transformation of achievements in China.

Key words: ARPA-E, Disruptive technology, Achievement transformation, Technology Project Management