WORLD SCI-TECH R&D ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 108-120.doi: 10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.004

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Research on Government Technological Innovation and Technological Enterprise Cultivation Policy: Based on an International Comparative Perspective#br#

HAN Zhihong   ZHANG Jihai   

  1. School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  • Online:2024-02-25 Published:2024-03-04


National government departments focus on scientific and technological innovation and technological enterprise cultivation policies. Refine China’s existing policy framework for technological innovation and the cultivation of technological enterprises, and analyze the governance systems and enterprise cultivation plans for technological innovation in different countries from an international comparative perspective. According to the analysis, China’s technological enterprise cultivation policy has planned a growth path for enterprises from technological SMEs to “specialized and innovative” and invisible champions. At the same time, in order to select high-quality enterprises, various regions have established a “chick ox gazelle unicorn” cultivation system. A comparative analysis of the governance systems and enterprise cultivation plans for scientific and technological innovation in the United States, Germany, and Japan shows that different countries have different organizational systems for scientific and technological innovation management. However, each country has developed additional system development plans for key nodes in the supply chain, high-tech or disruptive technological innovation SMEs, based on its existing SME cultivation policy system. In the process of cultivating complex technology enterprises, it is recommended to draw on the particular plan of Germany’s “high-tech strategy” to promote collaborative innovation among different types of entities, introduce the project manager system in Japan’s disruptive technological innovation plan, and pay attention to the support methods of the United States federal government investing in small enterprises in the manufacturing supply chain to obtain credit, venture capital, and R&D projects.

Key words: Science and Technology Innovation Policy, Enterprise Cultivation, International Comparison, Key &, Core Technology Enterprise