WORLD SCI-TECH R&D ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 58-71.doi: 10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2023.06.002

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Trend Analysis of Synthetic Biology in Industry Perspective

ZHANG Tuoyu   MENG Qinghai   

  1. Tianjin Institution of Science & Technology Information, Tianjin 300074, China
  • Online:2024-02-25 Published:2024-03-04


Driven by technological breakthroughs, policy support, and industrial and capital follow-up, synthetic Biology is ushering in a time of industrialization. This paper examines the recent strategic planning, policies and regulations, market dynamics, business cooperation, financial investment and other information at home and abroad, and analyzes the development trend of synthetic biology from the industrial perspective. In many countries, synthetic biology has been regarded as a key in national bioeconomy strategies, and the technical roadmap and objectives have been clarified for medicine, chemical industry, materials, agriculture, food and other related industries. The regulation have been continuously optimized to support the commercialization of new technologies and new products, and technical control, and technological safety have attracted attention. In business, more and more practical products based on synthetic biology have successively ushered in commercial “milestones”, cooperations between synthetic biology enterprises and traditional manufacturing enterprises have been closely invested remain confident and tend to be commercially rational, and the environment conducive to industrial development is growing improvement. For the synthetic biology industry in China, it is suggested to clarify the technical roadmap of key fields further vigorously invest in the research of enabling technologies, industrial technologies and core equipment, promote the industrial application and demonstration, enhance the capabilities of advanced biomanufacturing facilities and bio-data resources, and explore the high-quality industrial environment construction.

Key words: Synthetic Biology, Engineering Biology, Bioeconomy, Biomanufacturing, Industrial Ecology