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Study on Game of Interest Distribution of Industrial Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance Supported by Governmental Programs or Funds

GUO Linlin1 XIA Weili1 BAI Libiao1,2   

  1. 1. School of Management,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710129,China;
    2. School of Civil Engineering,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710061,China
  • Received:2016-11-24 Revised:2017-01-24 Online:2017-04-25 Published:2017-04-26


To establish and perfect the interest distribution mechanism is fundamental to the success of industrial technology innovation strategy alliance. In view of the current situation where the government is deeply involved in the innovation process of alliances and exerts ever greater impacts over alliance members,interest distribution game model is established to probe into the interest distribution mechanism of the industrial technology innovation strategy alliance supported by the governmental programs or funds. The research shows that the support of governmental programs are instrumental to balanced decision - making of the alliance. The support of governmental funds are favorable to the speculation of the members,so it is unfavorable to the growth of the alliance. During the process of providing support to promote industrial alliances,the government shall consider adopting appropriate approaches that rely upon specific projects,which shall be conducive for facilitating cooperation between alliance members.

Key words: industrial technology innovation strategy alliance, government, interest distribution, game theory

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