世界科技研究与发展 ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 720-728.doi: 10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2024.08.011 cstr: 32308.14.1006-6055.2024.08.011

• 光子芯片 • 上一篇    下一篇


尹志欣 许晔 张丽   

  1. 中国科学技术发展战略研究院
  • 出版日期:2025-01-03 发布日期:2025-01-03
  • 基金资助:

The Experience and Enlightenment of the Development of Photonic Technology and Industry in Major Countries and Regions

YIN Zhixin XU Ye ZHANG Li   

  1. Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development
  • Online:2025-01-03 Published:2025-01-03

摘要: 当前,光子技术正成为新的发展趋势,光子产业有望成为未来全球经济增长的新动力和主战场。世界主要国家/地区都在大力发展光子技术,并将光子产业作为推动经济发展和社会进步的朝阳产业之一。本文首先剖析了美国、日本、欧洲推动光子技术与产业发展的典型做法与经验特征,并对我国光子技术与产业发展现状进行分析。最后,提出我国发展光子产业的对策建议:1)强化顶层设计,把光子技术和产业发展作为战略重点;2)组织成立国家级光子技术创新平台,加快技术研究与扩散;3)统筹区域布局,实现光子产业高水平集聚;4)推动企业主导的产学研融合,促进科技与产业互融互通;5)以重大应用场景为驱动,构建需求导向的产业生态体系。

关键词: 光子技术, 光子产业, 未来产业, 前沿技术, 产业生态, 政策启示

Abstract: At present, photonic technology is becoming a new development trend, and the photonic industry is expected to become a new driving force and main battlefield for global economic growth in the future. Major countries/regions in the world are vigorously developing optoelectronic technology, and regard the optoelectronic industry as one of the sunrise industries to promote economic development and social progress. This paper first analyzes the typical practices and empirical characteristics of United States, Japan and Europe in promoting photonic technology and industrial development, and analyzes the current situation of photonic technology and industrial development in China. Finally, the countermeasures and suggestions for the development of photonics industry in China are put forward: 1) strengthen the top-level design and take photonic technology and industrial development as a strategic focus; 2) Organize the establishment of a national photonic technology innovation platform to accelerate technology research and diffusion; 3) Coordinate the regional layout to achieve high-level agglomeration of the photonics industry; 4) Promote the integration of industry, education and research led by enterprises, and promote the integration and interconnection of science and technology and industry; 5) Driven by major application scenarios, build a demand-oriented industrial ecosystem.

Key words: Photonics Technology, Photonics Industry, Future Industry, Cutting-edge Technology, Industrial Ecology, Policy Implications